Saturday, September 7, 2024

A hike

It was a steep hike,

along the hilly ride,

with the peak at sight,

pushing me, to reach the height. 

But the sun was relentless,

and the heat was merciless,

each breath was troubled

and steps were strenuous. 

Sweats dropped from the forehead, 

a salty sting, upon my lips,

the air, felt a furnace blast,

being choked by surrounding dust. 

And I walked, on the rugged path,

treading over the graveled road,

my bare feet on the heated surface,

pressing over the rocky protrusion. 

In this toil, a strange grace blooms, 

a spurt of energy, flames within,

as I see the temple gates open,

displaying the staircase, to the divinity. 

So I climbed, through heat and pain,

embracing the burn, on the rough terrains, 

finally be rewarded, by the divine fragrances, 

surrounded by offerings, of flowers and incense. 




And all my fatigue went away.

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