Thursday, September 26, 2024

Art of letting go

We have our regrets,

built from past mistakes,

sending us into guilt trips.

Or we hurt ourselves,

driven by holding grudges,

out of negative experiences. 

No one wants to get hurt,

have memories, that may burst,

their bubble of normality.

For, we seek comfort,

mind that feel solace, 

a life filled with happiness. 

So, let's learn this art,

of bringing joy in the heart,

by learning ways of letting go.

Either through mindfulness,

or taking conscious actions,

steps for achieving contentment. 

By engaging in self reflection,

understanding the underlying conditions,

through reasoning and contemplation. 

And taking responsibilities of mistakes,

we would learn, we make amends,

when we forgive ourselves. 

Practicing resilience, we would preserve,

using setbacks as opportunities to grow,

adapting to life by becoming stronger. 

And we celebrate, steps of our progress, 

by appreciating efforts, ease our concerns,

cultivating a sense of pride and confidence. 

So, let's change our perspectives, 

develop gratitude, nurture optimism, 

for, every moment is a blessing.

Still, there should be boundaries, 

limiting our exposures to bad practice, 

to create space, for rest and healing. 

The art of letting go,

is not much of a secret,

for, it starts with self-love.

So, treat yourself with kindness,

protect your emotional wellbeing,

as you walk, through life's journey. 

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