Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Musical instruments

Musical instruments,

I am really amazed,

how we could create, 

and have them sustain,

the world of melodies,

pleasing ears, enriching soul. 

In broad categories, they got classified, 

in the manner, they create their sound,

From Idiophones to Membranophones,

Or Chordophones, and Aerophones. 


The body of the instrument vibrates, 

rather than a strings or membranes,

likes of xylophones, bells and rattles,

thumb piano, jaw harp and friction sticks.


Sound is produced by the vibrations,

of a tightly stretched membrane,

like drums, being struck or plucked,

friction rubs or singing kazoos. 


The vibration of a string or strings

that are stretched between fixed points,

like harps, violins, cello and guitars,

simple musical bows or zithers.


Sound that is produced by vibrating air, 

be it organs, accordion, harmonica,

beloved flutes, saxophone, trumpet or tuba. 

From humble beginnings, a symphony grand, 

instruments expresses, heart understands,

a chorus of inventions, a harmony divine,

in every note, a tapestry of music shines,

letting magical sound fill these skies...

Wonders and ingenuity of creative minds.

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