Monday, September 23, 2024

A deserted eatery

A once vibrant center,

now a vacant place,

a treasured sanctuary, 

lost in empty space. 

The damaged furniture,

speaks volumes of stories,

of friendships that bloomed,

while pleasuring taste buds. 

These faded menus, 

tales of dishes prepared,

broken plates and glasses,

present the services provided. 

Where forks and spoon clicked,

now hushed whispers heard,

haunted echoes of laughter,

memories of bygone days. 

Yet, here lies the moments, 

reminder of those beautiful days,

a site of outings or meetings, 

testimony of social communication. 

It might have lost its shine,

in the passage of time,

still, there's hope at sight,

deserted walls could become alive... 

When someone ignites,

the flames, in the kitchen.

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