Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Permission culture

We live in a permission culture,

that reassures us to venture,

in this era of social media,

it creates a path to follow,

while diffusing responsibilities,

the outcomes of our actions. 

For, we seek other's approval,

someone experienced and powerful, 

incorporating their ways of living,

written or spoken through advertising, 

even the reels of many influencers,

dictate our choices and options. 

It's natural to pursue wisdom,

define our boundaries, find purpose,

as we grow older, more independent,

develop fear of setbacks and failures,

thus, we find inspirations in stories,

in advices given out of goodwill. 

But, there's more to what's seen,

for, we want validation of our needs,

by following trends, of our choices,

we create scenarios, to justify decisions,

as an act of freedom, sometimes rebellion, 

that goes against common conventions. 

So, how should we proceed ?

With many alternatives and selections,

by putting us in constant dilemmas,

they only increase our confusion, 

sometimes encourages or dissuade,

the course of our individual actions. 

There's a simple answer,

it's personal accountability,

taking ownership, with intentions, 

of making our own decisions,

as our passion or contributions, 

ignoring other people's opinions. 

For, only we have the authority, 

of defining our sense of purpose,

that involves us, family and society,

to live in complete harmony,

without being told, how to live,

in the guise of permission culture. 

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