Thursday, August 1, 2024

There's no single answer

There's no single answer,

to the riddles that life pitches,

at every step of the ladder,

we were intending to climb.

It's not the hurdles we face,

or the steepness of the rise,

that would demoralize our will,

in our quest for success. 

There's no save point,

it's a continuous journey, 

having many encounters,

and some hard farewells. 

We would have meetings,

giving us temporary feelings,

but, these are momentary occasions, 

on most part, it's a solo expedition. 

So, my fellow travelers,

let's make it an adventure, 

where we learn from experiences,

being open to many exposures. 

And we invest, our precious time,

in grand display, of fleeting illusions,

as we feel thoroughly those moments, 

yet be detached, to their outcomes. 

For, there's no single answer,

we have multiple paths available,

each one having their realities, 

each one have their puzzles.

Life is an exercise, practice to perfect, 

there are many chances, to ace the tests,

so, let's not rush, walk at steady pace,

to reach our destination...eventually. 

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