Sunday, August 4, 2024

When we have cold

When we have cold,

we seek the warmth,

a thick blanket cover,

or turn up the heater. 

If we are burning,

having pain and fatigue,

we might avail home remedies,

to act against the sickness. 

And when we have fever,

with sneeze and runny nose,

we seek the doctor's prescriptions,

for gulping down the medications. 

It's a common thing,

that has been effective,

letting us be worry free,

facing the onslaught of the disease. 

Yet, things have now changed,

with an accessibility of services,

we don't want to spend time,

to rest and recuperate. 

So, we take the easy way out,

by suppress prevailing symptoms

without knowing the dangers,

that comes from self-medications. 

Fever and pain aren't our enemy, 

antibiotics are not our friend,

but, we have the pills ready,

to influx them in our system. 

And we break the balance,

through our excessive interference, 

while making our body weaker,

to fight against future ailments. 

So, when we have cold,

it might be a seasonal affection,

let us take informed measures,

by considering it as natural occurrence. 

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