Friday, August 2, 2024

Feelings are personal

Our feelings are personal,

not something we could share, 

or putting them into categories, 

through any logic or reasoning.

Be the advices or suggestions, 

any motivation from lofty words,

wouldn't change most of our opinions,

if we don't have the comprehension. 

Not many are receptive...

To be open to recommendations, 

either we prefer confidentiality, 

or become influenced by our ego. 

Even goodwill are being scorned,

doubting other's rights and intentions, 

creating invisible boundaries around,

without any openings or entrance. 

Our hurt and sufferings are personal,

only a few were allowed to listen,

whom we trust with our vulnerabilities,

else we protect our sensitive heart.

And they were allowed to our emotions,

till the time, we drift to other directions,

eventually we would become strangers,

restricted to the surface of our sensations. 

Everything begins, end with ourselves,

still we desire those connections, 

for, feelings might be subjective, 

but we all need the stimulation. 

So, have awareness of self, 

be open to healthy discussions, 

it's human nature to preserve, 

nothing wrong in keeping our feelings...


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