Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The keepsake

" It's a promise" He whispered,

placing a velvet pouch, on my hand,

requesting to hold on, till he returned, 

a mystery trinket, a valuable item. 

With wet eyes, mind so numb,

a thousand emotions swirling within,

with dream shattered, and aching heart,

I had to bid farewell, to a treasured friend. 

It was too sudden, we had plans,

of spending life, having adventures, 

yet, our fate played spoilsport, 

leaving me stranded, without hope. 

That pouch, I held close to the chest,

waving him goodbye, with silent voice,

As he drifted away, far from reach,

this token of trust, all that left. 

Days passed, seasons changed, 

months to year, sunrise to sunset,

his thoughts remain in memories, 

with that symbol of our connection. 

The keepsake...

A gentle guide,

I walked alone,

wishing for a tryst.

Yet, the yearning lessens,

prayer went unanswered, 

doubting his intentions, 

in the broken promises. 

An act of letting go,

I choose to expose,

his unspoken words,

through the memento. 

And cords were opened,

a platinum ring encased,

letters engraved on surface,

" Love forever " 

A beautiful surprise, 

I should have been wise,

feeling remorse, teary-eyed

holding close to my bosom...

The keepsake.

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