Thursday, August 15, 2024

V for Vindication

Veiled in sweet words, it hides,

Views that are to be justified, 

Values, we seek in conversations, 

Vision for superiority of our opinions. 

Vanity, that poisons our mind,

Vulnerable we are, to its kind,

Vigor, we display for the cause,

Volcano simmering, ready to erupt. 

Vexed by the silence, where accolades lay,

Verdant with yearning for the laurels,

Void of appreciation, in our efforts,

Vows were made, for conveying thoughts. 

Vanquished by the disinterested ones,

Vanishing wisdom, due to their ignorance, 

Vehement voices were being silenced,

Validation seems like a distant dream. 

Valiant ones ascend, as ember glow,

Victorious spirits within, refuse to bow,

Vibration reverberates in every heart,

Veracity anthem were being sung. 

Virtue of the knowledge exceeds, 

Valor of courage, let us succeed,

Volume of reasons and the wisdom,

Visitors would listen to us valedictorians...

V for Vindication !

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