Wednesday, August 14, 2024



It's taken for granted,

as if being provided,

on silver plates.

And we don't value,

the efforts went behind,

to give us these moments. 

For, nothing is truly free,

we have to work hard,

to maintain our sovereignty.

And our rights, have responsibilities, 

adhering to rules and regulations, 

through our conducts and policies.

Only then, we could experience, 

the true joy of our participation, 

as a citizen, of a liberal nation.

But, there are many challenges, 

created by our own selfishness, 

feeding the flames of corruption. 

Like a termite, they infest,

hollow out, the pillars of trust,

towards order, of the society. 

For short gains, we ignore symptoms,

until it breaks down, our foundations, 

building fragile ecosystems, to live in.


On this Independence Day,

let us promise, to spread awareness,

of respecting, protecting boundaries. 

As we pay tributes, to the sacrifices,

those dreams, of our forefathers,

for a free, and prosperous democracy!

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