Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Soul, an enigma


an enigma, 

captivating the imagination, 

intriguing our mind.

Is it a myth or reality,

a belief from antiquity,

being revered in the religions, 

and doubted by the science. 

There's no proof,

yet, there are signs,

in many situations,

that many can face.

With many scientists, 

looking for an evidence,

through interviews, research,

that may give us a glimpse. 

There's 'Out of body experience',

where people see themselves,

while floating above the body,

even wander to nearby places.

It's not a hallucination,

for, they could identify strangers, 

and explain the things unknown, 

even the topic of conversations. 

Then there's 'Near death experience',

by people who had been clinically dead,

Yet, revived after some time,

telling vivid tales of afterlife.

Be it eternal love and bliss,

with families or divine beings,

or a visit to heaven or hell,

depending on their actions. 

Most of these experiences, 

have some degree of convergence, 

like floating over their bodies,

having their life flashes as vision.

Moving in a tunnel, towards bright light,

where awaits spirits or deceased loved ones,

and feeling profound love and peace,

as fear, pain, and sufferings vanishes. 

Indeed, it's exciting,

to prove the soul's existence, 

with better database to rely,

than the discovery of 21grams.

Not only people's narratives, 

spiritual or religious beliefs,

but even modern medical studies,

of brain scans showing increased activities...

Just after clinical deaths. 

Then again, there are objections, 

skeptic have their own explanation,

as our brain have similar constitution, 

they promote ' dying brain hypothesis '.

As oxygen drop in dying brain,

there's final burst of mental activity,

tunnel vision due to optic nerve failure,

bright light to the neuron firing cascades...

Everything giving us the hallucinations. 

So, let us take some moment,

to marvel at our body mechanisms, 

while taking comfort to the thoughts,

the existence of a blissful afterlife. 

After all, we are aware of consciousness...

But our soul, is still a mystery. 

* 21grams ( weight of soul experiment by Duncan MacDougall 1907) 

** Inspired by Youtube channel " The Why files: Proof of life after death

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