Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Been so tired lately,

of the faces they wear,

those smiles and frowns,

for things, they hold dear. 

I, too, get involved,

in this game of pretentiousness, 

to fit in the crowd, part of groups,

not willing to share consciousness. 

Tired of hiding true self,

being afraid of the judgements,

the rejections that might arrive,

following the social constraints. 

I am tired of pleasing others,

scared of losing the balance,

for, eyes only view the status,

world revolving around possessions. 

I, too, have the obligations, 

and faced snide and suggestions, 

to listen and take them all,

with nothing to answer in return. 

Been tired of the mask I wear,

to hide vulnerabilities and flaws,

for, not all would try to understand, 

and let us being ourselves...truly free.

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