Thursday, May 30, 2024

Many waves are formed

Many waves are formed,

from the alleys of my thoughts,

playing with the conscience, 

along their twists and turns. 

And so, my mind ponders,

through their various suggestions, 

to find the path of the convergence, 

towards their final destination. 

For, each of these flames,

that flickers through the route, 

have its genesis to my desires,

or wishes that's remain unheard. 

I witness them all,

observe the way they're born,

understand the reasons and implications, 

without an accompanied shame or guilt. 

I could nurture preferred thoughts,

by following a certain living conditions, 

yet, the world provides many stimulants,

letting me deviate from the routine course. 

So, let me appreciate these random ideas, 

that might amuse or intrigue the mind,

it's an open space, there's nothing to hide,

I can entertain or contemplate their kind... 

And it's fine.

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