Thursday, May 2, 2024

Probiotics and prebiotics


these small microorganisms, 

having interactions with human,

through outside, from within.

In the millennia of our evolution,

they learned to keep a balance, 

to live and prosper in harmony,

with its host and ecosystem. 

But, things do change, for the worse,

as a part of our natural selection,

they too carry their respective role,

in this game of survival of the fittest. 

We may develop ways to resist,

even kill them with antibiotics, 

still, we cannot deny their existence, 

they have their ways of persistence. 

So, let us make them our friends,

the one, residing inside our body,

for, millions use it as their dwelling,

as commensal, parasite or symbiosis. 

Most important, are the gut microbiome,

taking part, in many specific functions, 

from nutrient metabolism to immunomodulation,

playing different roles, give their contribution. 

And we can help, these good microbes,

while inhibiting, rise of bad pathogens, 

by managing our diets with prebiotics,

while supporting colonies, through probiotics. 

Prebiotics, are the fiber rich foods,

that let gut bacteria to thrive and grow, 

Probiotics, the living microorganisms,

keeping the balance, of gut surroundings. 

Let's raise the glass to these dynamic duos,

together they help us live healthier lives,

Prebiotics like fruit and vegetables,

added to whole grains and legumes...

And probiotics, from fermented products,

likes of Yogurt, Miso, Kimchi, Sauerkraut,

will help us feed, our guts wisely, 

reaping benefits, through our diet.

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