Saturday, March 8, 2025

Simplicity is underrated

Simplicity is underrated, 

sometimes even berated,

to be considered naive,

to the world's functioning. 

Sometimes taken advantage, 

being mocked for being cheated,

of grabbing better opportunities,

and, getting higher rate of success. 

It's the age of competition, 

promoting the cunning ones,

there's no time, taking it slow,

to build skills and character. 

Without promotion, you will lose,

a sidekick, on the backgrounds, 

so you chase, ignoring surroundings, 

only catering to your selfish needs. 

Yet, simplicity have its presence,

the one, not swayed by ongoing race,

treading mindfully, with genuine purpose,

while keeping their principles alive.

Not many, understand the value,

as they contribute, with a silence, 

and before long, we would learn,

lean to them, for every situation... 

They might not reach the top,

walk in their pace, towards their goal,

but they were the happiest person,

without many worries and concerns... 

For, they are the true winners.

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