Monday, March 10, 2025


It is the era of conflicts,

a curious mind does wonder,

what's could be the reasons,

for many fighting, among people... 


Been part of human civilization, 

as armed conflicts, violent struggles,

when things not solved by words,

till the sides, accepts defeat.

For, there's not always winners,

only losses, despair in surrenders,

the joy of victory is short-lived, 

remaining in historical memories. 

Hostilities are intrinsic to the life,

facing challenges & competitions, 

for mates, territories, feeding grounds,

or very survival of the fittest.

Yet, not many fight for pleasure,

out of hatred, envy or angers,

where evil mind with authority, 

ordering murders, even genocide... 


We, human, were the intelligent being,

yet animalistic instincts resides within,

so, our quarrels, and disputes too,

demands higher level of sophistication. 

Everything becomes grandeur, 

from weapons to defenses,

and scale of the destruction, 

to involve wider regions... 

Yet, the question still remains,

after arriving, into present generation,

with much awareness & communications,

why so we still fall...into evils of warfare!

And answer, is not on the grounds,

the people, facing the consequences, 

but lies, in very nature of the universe, 

manifesting, in our desires...


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