Thursday, March 6, 2025

Love or infatuation

Sculpted by divine hands,

molded into a fine art,

poured with tender care, 

you have the angel's air. 

Your poise, is so gentle,

every move delicate & gentle,

smile so sweet, my heart melts,

when you coyly, throw your gaze. 

Who will blame, when I fell,

to your beauty, its allure,

and I might even fancy,

thought of us, being closer... 

But now, let me savor days,

spending those sweet moments,

looking at your adorable expressions,

in our greetings and conversations. 

And I would watch, even relish,

when you speak, grinning cheerfully, 

hoping for our time to slow down,

while wishing, for something more... 

For, you captured my attention, 

creating a place, inside my heart,

and I wonder, should I be asking...

Is this attraction, love, or mere infatuation?

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