Sunday, March 9, 2025

Changing moods

How can I capture,

true meanings of your gestures,

for, your mood is capricious, 

changing like a lunar phase.  

Someday you are so gentle,

sweet words, feelings so tender,

like full moon, you feel closer,

sweet talks, with love & affection. 

Yet, there were also days,

you seem distant, at heart,

as a waning gibbous, it recedes,

the beautiful smile, on your lips. 

But then, you become volatile,

as you speak, or become silent,

and I feel, you reach third quarter,

when I tried, getting your attention. 

As our meetings become infrequent, 

chats delayed, calls remain unanswered,

I wondered, are you a waning crescent,

giving glimpses, fading into darkness. 

The most painful, are those days,

you stop contact, ignore my pleas,

like a new moon, in pitch black night,

So, I was broken and disheartened. 

Yet, then comes the reversal,

as slowly, you start answering,

and I wondered, should I be hopeful,

for finally experiencing, the full moon.

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