Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sunk Cost Fallacy

Our time is precious,

we don't want to lose,

yet, there are situations,

we don't give it proper dues... 

We can never be certain,

of our plans to succeed, 

there lies many other factors,

that influences the outcome. 

And here arises, a condition...

Bringing dilemmas, into our mind, 

forcing us to take actions,

that incurs losses, in long run. 

Sunk Cost Fallacy...

It's a way of reasoning,

sticking to preformed notions, 

regardless of ground realities. 

It's a pattern, that we would face,

depending on the efforts, we made,

investing our time and finances,

for our dreams, and aspirations. 

It's these past investments 

that influence our choices,

continuing the path taken,

without falling or taking recourse. 

For, we were aware...

A grand vision, needs its sacrifices,

but hard work too, can go waste,

these setbacks, would act as lesson,

if we cultivate, a flexible mindset. 

Sunk Cost Fallacy...

Our time is indeed precious,

so, utilize it after deliberation,

be open to the changing tides,

not be impulsive, bide your time. 

Still actively diversify your options...

By gaining wisdom from predecessors. 

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