Saturday, March 8, 2025

Simplicity is underrated

Simplicity is underrated, 

sometimes even berated,

to be considered naive,

to the world's functioning. 

Sometimes taken advantage, 

being mocked for being cheated,

of grabbing better opportunities,

and, getting higher rate of success. 

It's the age of competition, 

promoting the cunning ones,

there's no time, taking it slow,

to build skills and character. 

Without promotion, you will lose,

a sidekick, on the backgrounds, 

so you chase, ignoring surroundings, 

only catering to your selfish needs. 

Yet, simplicity have its presence,

the one, not swayed by ongoing race,

treading mindfully, with genuine purpose,

while keeping their principles alive.

Not many, understand the value,

as they contribute, with a silence, 

and before long, we would learn,

lean to them, for every situation... 

They might not reach the top,

walk in their pace, towards their goal,

but they were the happiest person,

without many worries and concerns... 

For, they are the true winners.

Friday, March 7, 2025

We make friends

We make friends...

In childhood & learning phase, 

some forgotten, others remain,

growing together, staying in touch,

sometimes planning get-togethers,

to reconnect with the old vibes,

by catching up, & playing games,

laughing together at casual jokes,

eating, drinking, making merry,

going for sightseeing, on vacations,

even hanging outs, for shopping,

along with our families... 

We make friends...

And the bond strengthens,

the more we invest our time,

in their good or bad days,

listening with empathetic ears,

supporting them when needed,

in physical, or emotional troubles,

we stood firm, holding ground,

building goodwill and trust,

that survives for long,

till our last breath... 

We make friends...

But now we have lost,

those feelings and emotions,

facing struggles of the world,

becoming isolated and lonely,

doubting every effort of others,

in interactions, while connecting, 

only floating on the surface,

not trying to dive deeper, 

to experience the true joy...

Of friendship. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Love or infatuation

Sculpted by divine hands,

molded into a fine art,

poured with tender care, 

you have the angel's air. 

Your poise, is so gentle,

every move delicate & gentle,

smile so sweet, my heart melts,

when you coyly, throw your gaze. 

Who will blame, when I fell,

to your beauty, its allure,

and I might even fancy,

thought of us, being closer... 

But now, let me savor days,

spending those sweet moments,

looking at your adorable expressions,

in our greetings and conversations. 

And I would watch, even relish,

when you speak, grinning cheerfully, 

hoping for our time to slow down,

while wishing, for something more... 

For, you captured my attention, 

creating a place, inside my heart,

and I wonder, should I be asking...

Is this attraction, love, or mere infatuation?

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sunk Cost Fallacy

Our time is precious,

we don't want to lose,

yet, there are situations,

we don't give it proper dues... 

We can never be certain,

of our plans to succeed, 

there lies many other factors,

that influences the outcome. 

And here arises, a condition...

Bringing dilemmas, into our mind, 

forcing us to take actions,

that incurs losses, in long run. 

Sunk Cost Fallacy...

It's a way of reasoning,

sticking to preformed notions, 

regardless of ground realities. 

It's a pattern, that we would face,

depending on the efforts, we made,

investing our time and finances,

for our dreams, and aspirations. 

It's these past investments 

that influence our choices,

continuing the path taken,

without falling or taking recourse. 

For, we were aware...

A grand vision, needs its sacrifices,

but hard work too, can go waste,

these setbacks, would act as lesson,

if we cultivate, a flexible mindset. 

Sunk Cost Fallacy...

Our time is indeed precious,

so, utilize it after deliberation,

be open to the changing tides,

not be impulsive, bide your time. 

Still actively diversify your options...

By gaining wisdom from predecessors. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A walk on a beach

A walk on a beach,

Both, on your bare feet,

So close and within reach,

A conversation brief but sweet,

Still conveying the deepest feelings. 

Chilled by the ocean breeze,

you came closer, stifling a sneeze, 

and I covered, with a gentle squeeze, 

our eyes met, in those moments, 

sending a current, all over me... 

Holding hands, we then walked,

feeling the moisture, on sandy paths,

brushing aside, strands of your hair,

you rest your head, on my shoulder,

as we watched, the evening sunset... 

Even the salty air couldn't break,

the temptation, of your scent,

yet, I let these fleeting moments,

in my heart, to be forever etched,

as my sweetest memories... 

And the waves, crashing on shores,

creating a symphony, of music flow,

letting my surging emotions to grow,

of your affection, capturing my heart,

and we made promises of love... 

In silence.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Universal cure

Far from the prying eyes,

there lies a passionate boy,

digging the troves of books,

gathering data, seeking answers...

To the mysteries, of healthy living. 

For, he has always been a frail child,

took efforts to even follow routines,

while his friends, would run around,

playing freely, strong and sound...

Enjoying a life without worries. 

So, he studied, many subjects,

to find hints, to these puzzles,

remained focused for years,

and one day, had eureka moment,

his research, showed some result. 

For, he had found the success,

a way to treat, cure illnesses,

no medicine, or procedures needed,

only a set of frequencies applied,

to reverse, the signs of disease. 

So, he met, prominent minds,

of political and scientific communities,

presented his data and the findings,

convincing them to utilize it,

for the betterment of society. 

But, he was met with disdain,

been ridiculed, given punishments,

house vandalized, paper stolen,

lost all belongings, become heartbroken,

finally silenced and forgotten. 

Years later, in a nondescript town, 

an old man teaches young generation, 

and he asked what they want to become,

the child said, someone who cure everyone,

old man frowned, gave a wry smile.... 

" Don't risk it, you will lose everything "

Sunday, March 2, 2025


We would believe the lies,

if said with pure conviction, 

for, the words feel wise,

devoid of hidden intentions... 

Yet, those were the moments,

we need to substantiate,

before falling into the trap,

swayed by their emotions. 

For, world have seen growth,

in fields of sharing knowledge, 

we now have the opportunities, 

to gather data and information. 

So, let's not follow blindly,

have enough confirmations,

by relying on multiple sources,

helping in their verification. 

A true expert would allow,

giving facts for comprehension, 

with its scientific understandings,

for us, to take informed decisions. 

Still, there are many gray areas,

where faith governs the diction, 

scientific evidences too are limited,

not reaching any conclusions. 

But, that shouldn't be the criteria...

For our convictions!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

They fear our voices

They fear our voices,

be wary of the presence,

even little of our movements,

alerts more, than dreaded predators,

for, they were terrified, of us human. 

And I wonder, 

should they lose caution,

seeking foods or shelter 

or suspect, remain vigilant...

Of dangers, our kind possesses. 

Some might not have options

been surrounded by our settlements,

lured by the leftovers, in the garbage, 

or consequences of habitat losses,

forcing them out, of their dwellings. 

Taken away from their kin,

marketed as pets or exhibits,

they can't have moment of peace,

being trapped, within the gatherings, 

of men, using them for their needs. 

Adding insult to the injury,

they were hunted, for misplaced glory,

for exotic pleasures, not a necessity, 

chased, captured, made a plaything,

as they slowly keep on fading... 

Into extinction.