Friday, June 7, 2024

Sin of anger

The sin of anger,

manifests at unexpected time,

with a surge of emotions,

it directs the flow of conversation. 

Contrary to our intentions, 

it breaks many connections,

shattering dreams, destroying relations,

bringing cycles of despair, even violence. 

Anger, is indeed a bane to our soul,

an invisible poison, corrodes our core,

clouding the mind, as we lose sight,

becoming blind to the surroundings.

Even without hatred, just difference in opinions,

might ignite, bouts of disagreements,

fuelling our rage, raising our voice,

even throwing insults and abuses. 

Acting rashly, in the heat of those moments, 

gratified of letting it out, asserting dominance,

would bring us joy, boosting our pride,

unknowingly plants the seed of discordance. 

And we become ignorant, of other's feelings,

hurt and disrespect, they might bring,

in the quest of putting forward our point, 

we might have made some grave mistakes. 

Not all things are forgiven,

and regrets becomes guilt laden,

dragging us down, day by day,

robbing moments of peace and joy.

So, heed this warning call,

coming from a fellow sinner,

learn to control these impulses,

embrace empathy and compassion. 

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