Tuesday, June 11, 2024


An internal conflict,

of ideas and belief,

seeking a solution,

through logic and reasoning.

For, we have exposures, 

bringing us many confusions,

with contradictory opinions,

messing up with our notions. 

And we search for answers,

might give a fierce resistance,

defending thoughts against others,

while clinging to our truth. 

It's in our upbringing,

from family or the society, 

creating values and principles,

while narrowing our perception. 

But the world in too vast,

every culture has its class,

have to accept their presence, 

we can't remain too ignorant. 

We would have clashes,

offended by certain acts,

yet, both might be right,

as the contexts are essential . 

We reach a state of impasse,

neither side could back down,

while in reality, we were lost,

in this infinite maze of reality.

There's nothing black and white,

being enveloped in shade of gray,

we would be naive to dismiss them,

missing out of potential insights. 

So, have a flexible mindset,

embrace uncertainty and confusion,

it's not a sign of mental weakness,

rather an inevitable occurrence. 

On this open-minded, intellectual journey,

let us cultivate patience and humility,

entertain thoughts, from their perspectives, 

To truly understand, diverse nature of reality.

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