Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mosquito's bites

As the dusk becomes the night,

and we could rest our tired eyes,

a pesky foe raises its tiny fangs,

to quench the thirst for our blood. 

Hiding in the corners and crevices,

a tormentor waits for its chance,

invading our peaceful chambers,

fluttering wings making buzzing sound. 

It's proboscis, sharp like a needle,

pierces inside, after numbing skin,

a feast begins, as it greedily drains,

leaving behind a feeling of pain. 

And so, starts the game of chase,

try to capture, following our gaze,

we swing, we swat, whatever in hand,

to get rid of this abomination. 

Sleep, becomes a distant dream,

as we struggle with the itch,

tossing and turning, taking covers,

using every means to protect ourselves. 

Not only irritation, they are a threat,

spreading deadly diseases, carrying inside,

likes of Malaria, Dengue, Chinkungunya, 

bringing worries, concerns to many. 

So, guard against these deadly invaders,

with nets, sprays or creams as deterrent,

protecting us and our loved ones,

from mosquito's bites, sneaky and unpleasant.

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