It comes in many forms,
which speaks, of our devotion,
being ingrained from childhood,
or invoked, when needed for.
And I wonder...
Contemplate the thoughts,
did the deity listens,
to the calls, of our heart.
For, we are insignificant,
with our conditions of sins,
which changes their meaning,
in every culture & traditions.
Are we really sincere,
in respect and offerings,
or it's a momentary attention,
attuned through our conscience?
While we worship the one,
the master of this universe,
omnipresent, all-knowing,
ascertaining our resolve...
When we surrender ourselves.
Sometimes these are our wishes,
not directed to an eternal divinity,
yet, connected to the higher realms,
conveying deepest of our feelings...
For, it's the power of the intentions,
that gives energy, to our devotions,
and we were graced, by its spirits,
with blessings, of supreme consciousness.
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