It's a tale, of distant future,
mankind lived, in an utopia,
where central authority controlled,
the operatives of the world.
The civilizations have evolved,
using technological innovations,
advancements of artificial intelligence,
were integrated for the governance.
The citizen have the freedom,
provided with comfortable life,
every demands were fulfilled,
as they followed rules & regulations.
Yet, there were few exceptions,
that were captured by surveillance,
and reprimanded, providing reeducation,
bringing them back, to social standards.
But, they too were concerned,
for, human minds is too conceited,
that were heartless, & inhumane,
doing heinous crimes, for pleasure.
So, a council were formed to discuss,
deliberate ethics, to define punishment,
to intimidate, demoralize, & discipline,
while showing compassion, to the living.
They sought wisdom from patriarch,
a hybrid system, of machine & mind,
and it spoke, gave the insights,
for a just, an ideal punishment.
" Hereby I decree, a fair sentence,
we shouldn't torture, execute them,
neither desert or outcast convicts,
or harvest their organs for healthcare."
The council members were puzzled,
for, most options faced rejections,
yet, the hall illuminated brighter,
the system, explained the reasons.
" It's the mind, that strayed,
the body is a mere vessel,
so, we create mechanisms,
to install proper behaviors.
What's done, can't be undone,
there's no guarantee of remorse,
so, we would replace, damaged portion...
And that's, our ideal punishment."
It concluded.
So, what is the damaged portion?
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