Thursday, February 27, 2025

Fallen jamuns

As I walked, on concrete roads,

I passed trees, planted on sides,

gentle breeze flows, in the night,

I imbibe the atmosphere, closing eyes. 

And slowly I encounter, a sweet aroma,

accompanying the wind, into my nose,

opening my eyes, I witness the ground,

spread with squashed ripe & unripe Jamun. 

The tree was laden with blackberry,

these purple fruits, tempt passersby,

yet, very few could reach the heights, 

harming the leaves, breaking branches. 

Some might have fallen, even injured,

in their quest to relish, earn few bucks,

and I wondered, looking at the wastage, 

why do they remain ripened & untouched? 

And I remember, it's on public roads,

its natural environment is long gone,

all the flies, bees, birds and squirrels,

have left behind, or number dwindled. 

Only human left, to savor it's offering,

hoping we pollinate, propagate seedlings, 

but, we only taste, throw what's remaining,

on these concrete roads, left to decay.

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