Monday, July 15, 2024

Price of life

What's the price of a life?

We could probably never fathom,

either put it into uncountable numbers,

or just reject the very notion.

Every tradition, every culture,

defines life as per their conditions,

as long as it fulfills the regulations,

we could exploit lesser creations. 

We do have our needs,

but the drive, comes with pleasure,

as we slowly desensitized sufferings,

making inanimate, from animate beings.

Our ancestors did hunt sometimes,

to make up for deficient servings,

it was a matter of life and death,

nature overseeing, survival of the fittest. 

But then, came the age of consumers,

millions were farmed, are in collections,

being prepared in bulks and packaged,

regardless of the pain they inflicted.

Sometimes adding an exotic tag,

capturing the endangered and rarest,

many were even cooked alive,

for keeping the flavors intact or exciting. 

Even as a souvenir, 

were hunted for trophies in house,

and exhibiting our fashion sense,

through many of the animal products.

But the most damaging were the one,

that used to poison land and water,

bringing the pressure of habitat loss,

in the quest for greed and development. 

So, again, I would ask,

what's the price of a life,

when we are not the one,

who have the control...

On divine creation of mother earth ?

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