Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Egg and seeds

Sometimes I wonder,

our criteria for cruelty, 

while choosing another life,

for filling up our belly.

So, I take two examples,

that are part of our meals,

one is an unfertilized egg, 

and the other, seeds of lentils. 

An unfertilized egg,

is left to rot, if not discovered, 

collected by men, stolen by predators, 

for, it doesn't support a chick birth.

While, seeds, with enough moisture,

would help in germination process,

sprouting shoots, leaves or buds,

and growing into a new plant. 

Regardless of selective breeding,

or limitation of roosters in localities, 

unfertilized eggs are now a norm,

then, why considered unkind option?

And then comes seed sprouts, 

being taken as natural product,

while a life being killed in process,

a glimmer of hope being lost. 

So, what's more cruel,

eating unfertilized eggs or sprouted seeds?




Then again, it would open a Pandora box, 

depending on various opinions and customs.

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