Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Angelic smile

Don't remember the last time,

I had given you the signs,

of the treasures, I hold dear,

that brought joy to my life. 

It had a charm, an attraction, 

I looked forward, in our interactions, 

those curves of lips, glimpse of teeth,

showing heaven, in a smile so sweet. 

But now, It's replaced by frown,

of many struggles, worries unknown,

a mask of strength, hiding vulnerabilities, 

to face the world, as a solitary warrior. 

There will be disappointments and frustrations,

but remember, happiness is around the corner,

so, don't shelter negativity in your heart,

do seek happiness, in this world. 

So, my dear friend, 

heed my call, give it a space,

like a chime, along with the breeze,

allow a smile to appear, on your face. 

Let it bloom, with radiant grace,

a gentle and pure, divine embrace, 

erasing my darkness, light up the place,

with the angelic smile, that you make. 

For, it has an allure untold,

like a sunshine, brightens my world,

don't be shy, or try to withhold,

your angelic smile, my dear...

It is worth more than the gold.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Watching Monsoon rain

Pitter-patter, Pitter-patter,

sometimes drumming, & the clatter,

yet soothing, with a rhythmic flow, 

In these evenings, of Monsoon rain,

As I sat, listening to their symphony... 

Not even the occasional sprinkles, 

the scare of lightening or thunders, 

have stopped me, from getting closer,

and stretch these hands to gather,

the blessings, from nature's glory... 

And I wondered, how much I missed,

these falling drops, on roofs & leafs, 

as branches sway, dancing with wind,

with cold water, in running streams,

would have felt heavenly... 

But we are just lounging inside,

while screens, keeping us occupied,

as ACs fan, circulate the cool air,

we have forgotten the pleasures,

of finding its natural alternatives... 

So, I would take these moments, 

to immerse self, and appreciate, 

be it in drizzles, or the downpours, 

watching the sky, as they fall,

looking at ground, as they fall... 

And imbibe them all...

Through every (senses) !

Monday, July 29, 2024


Be it the child or the adults,

everyone have their dreams,

things to be achieved, or receive, 

from the world's treasuries,

and feel happy and content,

interacting with the world. 

It starts with individual self,

when we have the awareness,

of our values and the identities,

the aspirations and capacities,

that might influence our relationships, 

with friends, families and society. 

For, friendship are conditional,

to the situations and the class,

that changes with passage of time,

everyone having their responsibilities, 

drifting away or become occupied, 

to give any space to our concerns. 

Society too, is self centered, 

desiring conformity in our actions,

where freedom is being questioned,

while praises given to obligations,

preparing us to follow the path,

helping us become an ideal person. 

Also, in our professional sphere,

we were expected to be loyal,

providing services without questions,

for the growth of establishment, 

and failures were not tolerated,

while competitions are intentionally created. 

Even our quest for something divine,

comes at a price of total surrendering, 

for seeking the higher truth of life,

requires our dedication and sincerity, 

or we might encounter some failures,

in our spiritual or religious endeavors. 

And every time, when we felt lost,

we would whisper, " Am I enough",

what more needed to be done,

to be rewarded with an appreciation, 

something everlasting, giving us solace,

with the realization...We are indeed relevant.

Sunday, July 28, 2024



I listen to the calming music,
to sooth and heal my heart,
or hear some groovy songs,
and shake my head and feet...
To the rhythm and the beats.

I hear the logic and reasoning,
that governs the world's functioning,
other days, I just dive into fantasy world,
where creativity manifests impossibility...
Letting my imagination grow.

For, my thoughts are filled,
with many feelings and emotions,
influenced through exposures,
while allowing me to invest,
in works that need to be done...
Without missing out.

my mind sways,
to the moods and cravings,
satisfying my curiosities.
Like a wave,
with its crest and troughs,
I explore the extent of boundaries,
from within and beyond....

What the world has to offer.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dangers of Deepfake

In the era of AI generation,

nothing have remained untouched,

be it the words or our voices,

even shared images and videos. 

To grab instant attentions,

become popular through memes,

we design different applications, 

for the sake of fleeting fame. 

Songs enhanced by autotunes,

images created through inputs,

Be the ChatGPT for our writings,

and videos with custom effects.

Indeed,the technological advancements, 

does help us in sharing our creations,

filling the expertise, that we lack,

giving wings to our imagination. 

But, we need to be cautious,

as things goes for an expansion,

where applications like Deepfake,

might be used for malicious intentions. 

It starts as a harmless prank,

genuine curiosity on its part,

even for reminiscing the past,

being used with goodness of heart. 

But, it doesn't take much for mischiefs,

through swapping faces or the voices,

for pushing certain narratives,

that might cause harm or defamation. 

By crafting lies, promoting deception,

it would lead to distrust and retaliation,

and the ordinary, would start to suffer,

for the crimes of some devious ones. 

So, tread with care, following a trend,

for, deepfake's craft, a two-edged blade, 

choose wisely, the games you play,

don't spoil memories, by going astray.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Money well spent

We don't need the grasses,

the grains that being grown,

or the plants, scrubs and trees,

that are seen in the surrounding. 

If there's a profit to be made,

even in distant unreachable places,

for a few weeks or month of the year,

everything will be cleared from the ground. 

Either building permanent construction,

or erecting some temporary structures, 

covering the boundaries with fences , 

preventing natural growth or any misadventures. 

For, even in the barren lands,

lies a value to be generated, 

filling the pockets, enriching owners,

willing to take risks, for the dividends. 

Why do we need poor neighbors,

those engaged in their daily livings,

when more land would be obtained,

to expand business as per demands? 

So, we don't need any plantations,

the ground below, matters more,

and we will not stop our quest until,

us rich men could proclaim... 

Money is well spent.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


What creates the culture of a certain place?

Is it the people, society or traditions,

history being continued into cognition, 

passing down into many generations. 

It builds our character, 

manifests through our nature,

something that is ingrained,

into our thoughts and actions. 

Is it the teachings?

Codes of ethics or beliefs,

that instills certain behaviors,

within the psyche...of our society. 

And it makes us different,

as we could infer and appreciate,

when we travel, explore new places,

to discover and have experiences. 

For, we do seems similar,

under the umbrella of our species,

yet, are diverse in values and mentality,

even if we have similar appearance. 


It's a part of our legacy,

that gives us a sense of belonging,

etched into the chronicles since antiquity, 

influencing individuals, communities and nationalities...

Through this grand tapestry of life.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


With chest puffed, tongue unfurled, 

beneath the sky, weaving grand tales,

being smug, they brag lofty words,

conveying achievements, with pride.

A little truth, most made up of lies,

they create a personality, of our desires,

while not being concerned of influences,

it might have to their surroundings. 


an air of superiority, 

with an inflated ego,

that they displayed.

Through their words,

and the actions shown,

at every opportunity, they present...

That being ingrained in their lifestyles. 

But, it had a hollow core,

nothing of work, to be shown,

only the surface, being glamorized,

while the deep, being empty inside.

And people can see through,

every story that being woven,

letting them keep spinning stories,

while they slowly lose the trust. 

So, let's be humble, in our needs,

and be sincere, making deeds speak,

as we listen more, rather than to boast...

For, true communication comes with humility.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kubera's lesson

Let me tell you a story,

a lesson of valuing wealth,

from a version of Mahabharata, 

that spoke a lesson from Kubera. 

A drought, in the kingdom of Yudisthira,

and Bheema went to the god Kubera,

requesting for cart load of paddy,

to feed the needy, famished subjects. 

Bheema reached God's abode,

hopeful of bags of paddy loans,

yet, encountered with rustic person,

bending low, collecting grains from the ground. 

Thinking of him as God's servant,

Bheema went to ask for Kubera,

that servant smiled and answered,

grain gatherer was lord Kubera himself. 

Too shocked of the realization, 

God of wealth lived like a pauper,

to part with so much of paddy,

seemed impossible from a miser. 

Yet, he disclosed his purpose of visit,

requested loan of paddy for his country,

Lord Kubera accepted, happily agreed,

gave Bheema cartload of paddy as gift. 

Soon, they faced another problem,

passing rain made the road slushy, 

making it difficult for the cart to proceed,

disappointed, Bheema returned to Kubera. 

God Kubera again smiled,

asked Bheema to throw grains,

to make the roads hard and dry,

more paddy were given to compensate. 

Bheema felt the shame and guilt,

so, he folded hands and apologized, 

thinking of Kubera as a poor miser,

but was humbled with his generosity. 

Lord Kubera smiled and spoke,

gave Bheema lesson of wealth,

be very particular of every single pie,

but never hesitate to spend...

As much as is necessary. 

** Story inspiration from "Sarala Mahabharata."

Monday, July 22, 2024

Feline hunters

I adore cats, I really do,

the velvet paws, loving face,

their mischiefs, meows and chatters,

along with cuddles and purring grace. 

But, beneath these lovable charms,

lies a sharp and cunning carnivore,

with hunter's instinct, seeking a prey,

for hunger or pleasure, of the slay. 

As a kitten, small and vulnerable,

they demand attention and protection,

but sooner will learn trade of game,

from fellow feline on the prowl. 

And we would see the signs,

with reduced signature of wildlife,

The songbirds, squirrels or butterflies, 

that enriched our natural surroundings. 

They do have their role,

as an effective rodent control,

saving our grains, preventing illness, 

from the time of agrarian societies. 

Now, we have the resources, 

enough to keep them as pet,

with strokes, treats and cozy beds,

letting them bred and flourish. 

It's a dilemma indeed, 

if I do love them all,

to cherish their lovable antics,

or care about conservation. 

For, domestic cats are the reason,

of the killings and subsequent extinction, 

be it insects, birds, reptiles and mammals,

already struggling from human interference. 

So, let us find a middle path,

keeping watchful eyes on house cats,

feeding their belly, neutering body,

restricting their influence on the wilderness. 

Or let them be free to roam,

as a feral feline on the street,

as they survive through efforts,

without any help or support. 

And finally the life in nature,

having a chance for survival, 

away from the claws and fangs,

of nature's adorable creatures.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Animated story

Using pencil and inks,

from papers to celluloid,

imaginations took flight,

as dreams came to reality. 

With every passing years,

supported by various contributions,

we could finally be able to witness,

a symphony of music and colors. 

So many stories got their due,

in every frame, a vibrant hue,

painting a world of wonder...

Where our fantasies were renewed. 

Our vision exposed to kaleidoscopic view,

surrounding echoes to a soaring tune,

as brushstrokes displayed a vibrant show,

and feelings were whispered into a song. 

Being hypnotized with their creativity, 

in loud expressions, and thunderous beats,

like a moonlight romance, in starry nights,

emotions swirl, with motion on the screen. 

We felt the joy in their pleasures,

smile at the giggles and laughter,

become hurt in painful situations,

even if they were a work of fiction. 

So, let the canvas spread their magic,

heart be enchanted by the melodies,

in the animation's vibrant stories,

we would find happiness...of our choice. 

But then, don't invest more of time,

and let it take over your mind,

there are things that demand attention,

for, you still have your realities to live.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Like a succulent that collects,

emotions in your sensitive heart,

like a spine, your words stab,

goodwill of your loved ones. 

In the harsh weather, you thrived,

imbibing the ordeals of bad times,

developing protections in the process,

for the survival of your dreams. 

With little watering of love and care,

you had created opportunities rare,

conquered the situations and affairs, 

through your hard work and dare. 

Now, you have the final say,

to be respected and feared,

for the power you possess,

and treasures, you might share. 

But, you have developed the pride,

looking down on the fellow beings,

who find themselves getting pricked, 

when trying to connect through vulnerabilities. 

Yet, beneath this thorny guise,

lies hidden, pain and yearning,

that once hoped for a companion,

in the desert, devoid of connections. 

So, let's be aware, of fragile souls,

that needed gentle rain to bloom,

those precious flowers, would captivate,

along with the nectar, when discovered.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Play to experience

We invest to succeed,

in our work, in our play,

it's a race, for the win,

or we will not stay. 

It may start as a fun activity,

a cure for our boredom,

to be part of a social group,

or simply attempting something new. 

But, then rivals appear,

we aim at the targets,

every victory is celebrated, 

while defeats makes us frustrated. 

We want to ace the tests, 

having higher expectations from self,

but hard work sometimes won't pay,

demoralizing us from the game. 

Yet, we forget the simple fact,

all these moments too shall pass,

but the memories of these days,

in our heart, would forever remain. 

Do we want to remember the joy,

or the anger and disappointments, 

for, we were not proficient,

in achieving a podium finish? 

So, embrace imperfections, my friend,

explore avenues, that pique your interests,

don't be ashamed of failures, as you try,

sometimes it's all about having experiences. 

So, pick up some new hobbies,

there's no need for rewards or trophies. :)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mangrove's retreat

In the twist and turns, of the route,

through emerald tunnels, the boat glides slow,

as the roots, vines and branches forms knots,

below the shadows of mangrove forest. 

The golden ball paints the sky,

uplifting emotions, dreams take flight,

as our curious mind, look for the treasures,

hidden among the bushes and river banks. 

So, we find a glimpse of its presence,

lying on the mud, with open mouth,

either in slumber, or ready for an ambush, 

a prehistoric predator, prized crocodiles. 

Some do gasp, others excitedly shouts,

startling the birds, on the lookout,

the crow calls, egrets spread their wings,

spreading out from the branches so high. 

And the motor of the boat steadily proceeds,

giving us the time, that we need,

to capture those moments in action,

and keep them as souvenir for the future. 

As the sun descends, dimming the surrounding,

the orangish hues aligns with the horizon,

we reach at a point where two rivers meet,

displaying shades within the brackish water. 

A magic had been cast on the audience,

as they were mesmerized by the ambience, 

slowly the boat returns to the shore,

letting the spectators have a last look. 

Some may return, others take back memories, 

of a wonderful journey inside jungle's treasuries,

resting on the boat, swaying with the river's flow,

in the mangrove's retreat, we had divine show.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Why do we work...

If we have all our needs,

would our passion or duties,

encourages us for the deed? 

From the ancient times,

there was a social stratification, 

people were bestowed with tasks,

as a part of their contribution. 

But now, things have changed, 

money have become the prime reason,

that ignites the flames of our ambitions, 

driven by desires, of worldly possessions.

And we chase, carrot on a stick,

till body go weary, or heart do breaks,

for, we have forgotten the true rewards,

that comes from a sense of fulfillment. 

Slowly and steadily, our intentions change,

services comes with a price, in exchange, 

taking pride in making profits from gullible,

mistreating others, who prefers discounts. 

In the absence of respectable valuations,

both quality and standard suffers,

as we toil and strive, for fleeting goals,

guided by incentives, we sell our soul. 

Do we feel true joy, of the accomplishments?

Without putting required efforts, for the  dividends, 

by lying, stealing, scamming or extorting,

taking advantage of someone's goodwill. 

Still I hope, some sense will prevail,

and we will break free, of this charade, 

seeking true meaning, through our work,

devoid of selfishness or our greed. 

So, let us build a new world,

where words spoken were genuine,

we could trust all, starting to believe,

not all provide services, through incentives. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Clumsy creatures

How adorable are these beings,

with tiny paws, that stumble and trip,

eyes wide open, confused of surroundings, 

practicing walks, in their flops and flips. 

And we smile, in their struggles,

looking past of their clumsy wobbles,

as they learn, exploring the world,

each step carving their path to success. 

From charming kittens to lovable puppies,

or animal calf to chicks and ducklings, 

with soft pink pads, to tiny fangs,

or floppy trunks of baby elephants. 

In their feathers, that flutter and fail,

hooves that stumble, legs that's flail,

yet, every attempt brings us joy,

evoking a sense of happiness. 

It's pure innocence, in their silly fall,

having a cuteness, that enthralls us all,

like an instinct, surge of emotions,

we oversee their progress, with gentle love. 

So, let us cherish, moments so tender,

these naive acts, of clumsy creatures,

appreciate the beauty of their playful nature,

after all, it's a nature's gift, to be treasured.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Price of life

What's the price of a life?

We could probably never fathom,

either put it into uncountable numbers,

or just reject the very notion.

Every tradition, every culture,

defines life as per their conditions,

as long as it fulfills the regulations,

we could exploit lesser creations. 

We do have our needs,

but the drive, comes with pleasure,

as we slowly desensitized sufferings,

making inanimate, from animate beings.

Our ancestors did hunt sometimes,

to make up for deficient servings,

it was a matter of life and death,

nature overseeing, survival of the fittest. 

But then, came the age of consumers,

millions were farmed, are in collections,

being prepared in bulks and packaged,

regardless of the pain they inflicted.

Sometimes adding an exotic tag,

capturing the endangered and rarest,

many were even cooked alive,

for keeping the flavors intact or exciting. 

Even as a souvenir, 

were hunted for trophies in house,

and exhibiting our fashion sense,

through many of the animal products.

But the most damaging were the one,

that used to poison land and water,

bringing the pressure of habitat loss,

in the quest for greed and development. 

So, again, I would ask,

what's the price of a life,

when we are not the one,

who have the control...

On divine creation of mother earth ?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Your boat or mine

I have built a boat, my dear,

for us to be together and near,

our bond would hold it stronger, 

against the strong tide, we fear. 

Everyday felt like a struggle,

while gathering materials, had troubles, 

but I persisted, doing my things,

to create a life, of our dreams. 

And the clock, kept on ticking,

each moment, elevated my craving,

eventually I started to feel the void,

of the opportunities, I keep missing. 

But, I had a plan to implement,

nothing less, would have been sufficient, 

and I ignored, avoided the calls,

that could have brought some comfort. 

Finally, I attained the primary goal,

of building a sturdy, desirable boat,

ready to explore, the uncharted with you,

with enough provisions, lasting forever. 

Now, I await you, my companion,

to be ready, join the adventure,

hoisting the sail, going into water, 

embarking with me, a journey of lifetime. 

But, little did I knew,

you too, have your own boat,

a product of your aspirations,

while waiting, for future partner. 

So, it's been a puzzling time,

will you choose your boat or mine,

my only wish, if we could combine,

one, that would let our heart entwine. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Video games

There was a time,

when we were consumed,

in a 2D world of fantasy,

where pixel danced in our hand. 

In the flickering screens,

we found our escape,

and we embarked in an adventure, 

where adrenaline pumped, dopamine surged. 

Every motion of pictures,

excited us for some more,

igniting our heart with impulses,

letting us tighten our hold. 

Joy pads gripped, raising controller,

fulfilling quests, levels are cleared, 

victory was cheered, losses were rued, 

boasting all the games we conquered. 

But those days were long gone,

joy of childhood fun, fading soon,

as ambitions, duties of the world,

interrupted us from our pleasures. 

Though distant now, we still remember, 

those nostalgic moments, that we loved,

even if time changes, and priorities shifted,

we would still be fond of video games...

In our memories. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Be a realist

Be an idealist,

for your dreams,

but remember, not all,

would follow your creed.

But your ambitions,

are your treasure,

helping you reach heights, 

that others can't measure. 

So, be proud,

of what you achieved,

but never expect,

that, it's a universal need.

Every person is different, 

in desires and expectations, 

we have to be more receptive,

of their opinion and situations. 

Be a realist,

empathetic to their voice,

and you will understand,

there's more to any given choice.

Have clarity of vision,

find your true connections, 

let not feelings go astray,

in the absence of good decisions. 

We always have a chance,

to be able to revert,

let's not make thoughts rigid, 

for the acceptance of our goals. 

For, without opening our heart,

and facing many uncomfortable truths,

we will never be able to move...

The pair of wheels, of any relationship. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Make amends with your past

Make amends with your past,

you will project it on future self,

involving loved ones around you,

in your quest for evading reconciliation. 

While you let the wound fester,

accompanied by the lingering hurt,

you keep falling into the dark abyss,

consumed by regrets and resentments. 

And you create an unscalable wall,

that would guard your sensitive heart,

protecting yourself from perceived threats,

making it difficult, for relationships to last. 

It's true, there are betrayals, 

but nothing is gained without trials,

trust takes its time, to be built,

for forging bonds of a lifetime 

You always have a choice,

being aware of your mistakes,

letting you take full control,

by rectifying, for your happiness. 

And that is your starting point,

as you clicked a reset button,

with meetings and interactions, 

being renewed, been refreshed. 

So, make amends with your past,

give present to your future self,

believe in yourself, hope for good,

seek blessings from the universe. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Egg and seeds

Sometimes I wonder,

our criteria for cruelty, 

while choosing another life,

for filling up our belly.

So, I take two examples,

that are part of our meals,

one is an unfertilized egg, 

and the other, seeds of lentils. 

An unfertilized egg,

is left to rot, if not discovered, 

collected by men, stolen by predators, 

for, it doesn't support a chick birth.

While, seeds, with enough moisture,

would help in germination process,

sprouting shoots, leaves or buds,

and growing into a new plant. 

Regardless of selective breeding,

or limitation of roosters in localities, 

unfertilized eggs are now a norm,

then, why considered unkind option?

And then comes seed sprouts, 

being taken as natural product,

while a life being killed in process,

a glimmer of hope being lost. 

So, what's more cruel,

eating unfertilized eggs or sprouted seeds?




Then again, it would open a Pandora box, 

depending on various opinions and customs.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Cherish the child within

Let's cherish the child within,

that loves the laughter and grins,

an innocent heart, untouched by time,

residing inside, where everything begins. 

When eyes sparkled, thoughts were pure,

being assured of comfort, to be secure, 

finding joy in simple activities, 

seeking things, that's gentle and sweet.

Be it a playful pup or kitten,

hugging a cuddly toy or trinkets, 

exploring the neighborhood for treasures,

in the alleys, hideout, or outskirts. 

We might not play slides anymore,

and climb trees to sit on branches,

or capture insects or butterflies, 

trying flavors of gums and candies.

But, there are ways to experience, 

forgotten memories of wonderful days,

through books, shows or watching kids,

while reliving in our mind, those moments. 

The world now, is too demanding, 

of our freedom and those feelings,

kept hidden, concealed deep in recesses, 

not to be made open, or be ridiculed.

But, we all know the real charm,

of childhood spirits, that radiates warmth,

letting us dream again, with colorful imaginations, 

in the magic of innocence, of child within.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Everything seems familiar

The places would seem familiar,

if we become more rational,

from the roads, shops and houses,

everything feels so normal. 

Be it the communities,

gathered for a meeting,

or children on ground running,

having fun while they are playing. 

It's the same structures,

that are built for dwellings,

with mud, bricks and timbers,

or sturdier steels and concrete. 

Their daily routines too similar,

even conversations being casual,

over the roof, on the verandah, 

and on the bench of some park. 

We do seek something different, 

while visiting a new place,

but would be surprised to find,

how alike we actually are. 

For, the civilization had seen,

the path of our advancing needs,

through local resources that brings,

similar opportunities for our deeds. 

So, even in diversities of culture,

from cuisines to many traditions,

the basic fabrics never change,

for, we all are the same... human being.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ratha Yatra

Amidst the sweltering heat,

devotees gather to celebrate,

surrounding the towed chariots,

for a glimpse, of the divine lord.

" Haribol" evoking the chant,

they welcome lord for the world,

with the rituals of pahandi,

beating ghanta, telingi baja & kahali.

Even the kings come to clean,

the wooden platform, with a broom,

before sibling deities were brought,

and placed within the chariots.

And the ropes were being pulled,

signalling the start of the procession,

blowing conch shells, singing praises,

accompanied by traditional Odissi dance.

In the festivity, everyone was immersed,

devotees throng to witness the journey,

many bows, showing their devotions,

coming closer, to pull or touch chariot.

Ratha Yatra...

The journey of Lord Jagannath, 

with lord Balabhadra & Devi Subhadra,

a visit to their aunt, Mausi Maa temple,

it's a symbol, of faith and relationship.

For, here, the lines were blurred,

as deities follow human traditions,

connecting deeper, like a familiar bond,

it's indeed a divine tradition.

Saturday, July 6, 2024



to your indomitable spirits, 

for standing on the grounds, 

unfazed by the surrounding situations. 

You have your struggles,

seen failures, or some troubles,

the road had never been easy,

towards the goals, you have dreamed. 


to your accomplishments,

invisible battles that you fought,

for the path of your success. 

There were days, you were heartbroken,

felt the anguish and disappointments, 

yet, you overcome these setbacks, 

to rise again, with your courage. 


to your smiles and laughter,

that you allowed, when tears dried up,

living behind painful memories. 

For, now you are free,

of the restraints of your past,

and a bright future awaits,

along with accolades...

For you, dear valiant one.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Chariot ( Acrostic poem )


Handles the body as a vessel,

And our intellect act as a driver,

Reining the senses, giving directions,

Informing our mind, to take actions,

Or, we might lose our sight,

Towards our destination...Enlightenment!!


Mind, is not your soul,

Our life has a goal,

Known to the wise ones,

Seeking the higher truth,

Hidden from the world, 

Assimilated in an illusion...of Maya!

Thursday, July 4, 2024


In your gorgeous outfit,

that shines in the darkness,

you hold the mic in hand,

hypnotizing us with your voice. 

Songstress, by enchanting souls,

weaving emotions in every word,

with the melodies then captivates,

like a magic, hypnotizing our heart. 

Caressing senses, like a gentle breeze,

you touch our feeling with such an ease,

and we immerse in the flowing nectar,

invoking joy, taking away the sadness. 

Your stage presence, like a glittering star,

bewitching the audience, from near and far,

inspiring sentiments, showing us dreams,

every note, each beats, enhance the charm. 

Oh, my dear songstress,

how beautiful is your existence,

enlightening us with your presence,

by changing our mood within seconds. 

Let your song reaches the masses,

with the sweetness evoke the passion,

as the voice streams within the ears,

instilling courage, destroying the fears.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


We are oblivious, 

don't even blink,

to the nutrients within,

the food we eat,

as we let the mouth feed,

disregarding the amount, our body needs. 

In the matter of taste,

we have evolved our skill,

that cater to the masses,

have their belly filled,

even if it's on the surface,

having effects, becoming a bitter pill. 

We face vitamin deficiencies, 

troubled with hypertension and obesities,

with inflammation taking toll,

along with cases of diabetes,

even if diets are controlled,

there's still many hidden dangers. 

Indeed, these are a silent threat, 

that is slowly spreading it's net,

through reduced nutrients per servings, 

provided to us as daily provisions, 

for, there's a risk of widening gap,

a warning of potential nutrient collapse. 

With less protein present in our diet,

there's a high intake of calories and fat,

and diminishes minerals from the soil,

that could be extracted by the plant,

blame it on intense farming practices,

ills of selective breeding or monocultivation. 

But, we do use fertilizer,

that would fulfill requirements, 

still, there's a downward slope,

of the protein, vitamins and minerals,

even in the weeds, on the path,

there's a pattern of loss, seen as evidence. 

Some researchers do wonder,

is it due to rising carbon dioxide levels,

letting the plant grow much faster,

without enough time for nutrient extractions, 

but then, these are just speculations,

to make sense of something alarming... 

Do our diet provide enough nourishment?

** Inspired by a content channel Veritasium.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


We as people seek convenience,

as long as it's within our reach,

to get things a bit earlier,

and living hassle-free.

So, we seek power,

in status and wealth,

have positions that are higher,

and use them, when we need. 

But, it's also a necessity,

our time is more precious,

we don't require any pleasantry, 

for, there's so much to do.

And the world too desires,

falling to the temptations, 

let the influence be used,

for their benefits and advantages. 

It's a win-win situation sometimes,

yet, it also comes with a price

there are people, who feel wronged,

feeling the brunt, of the corruption.

In the quest for individual gain,

we create different scenarios, 

that might harm the society,

sowing discontent and anger. 

So, let's build the conditions,

being acceptable to all people,

bringing options that would favor,

the demands, that can be legal.

And we could be guilt free,

while getting the desired service,

without manipulating the system,

for the sake of our convenience. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Driving in the rain

People have the preferences,

of seeking the conveniences, 

in their commutes for livelihood, 

embracing path of sophistication...

For, lifestyle do live an imprint,

changing our ways of thinking,

creating boundaries, perching,

for the sake of pride and dignity.

Yet, here I am, riding my bike,

being drenched in the downpour, 

facing the wind, over my face,

inhaling the scent, of wet soil.

And I wondered, as I watched,

the passerby, inside the car,

would they experience the forces,

and the beauty, of this weather?

Something, that can only be felt,

when it contacts, our raw skin,

as the drops streaking through,

moisturizing the body, head to toe.

To immerse self, in panoramic view,

the concrete roads, to swaying branches,

even the canine & cattle, taking shelters,

felt endearing, like an interesting show.

Monsoons, can be a hassle,

fear of catching cold, is universal,

protecting self, for our obligations,

influences our actions & decisions.

Yet, we might be missing out,

to appreciate, while exposing self,

rather than avoiding the outside,

and welcoming, the falling droplets...

Driving in the rain.