Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gender fluidity

We are a consciousness, 

within a physical body,

formless, ageless, gender less entity. 

Yet, in real life...

Our interactions and influences,

forms our individual identity. 

From our parents, 

from our friends,

from the school teaching.

From the media,

from peer pressure,

from the notions prevalent in society. 

So, they ask the definitions, 

male, female or something more,

to enter into any relationship.

When they get more freedom,

some thrills and experimentation, 

letting them create gender fluidity. 

For, now it's more vocal,

spreading like a forest fire

indeed becoming a mystery.

I, too, have wondered,

just as a curious onlooker,

as they open the pandora box. 

For, innumerable thoughts take their wings,

without direction, seeking the unknown things,

losing the path of an eventual return.

And then, would we have clarity ?

To follow things with our reasoning, 

without fearing any repercussions.

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