Friday, December 1, 2023

Weekend outings

I need a break...

Been working for too long,

to refresh my tired heart,

exhausted from all the toil.

The weekend is approaching,

I would have my rest,

but this time there's a feeling,

to not let it waste. 

The mountains are calling,

so are the oceans,

alluring me with fresh air,

and clear sky to be seen.

So, let me flee,

this city of concrete, 

to a place too far,

that I could reach...with my feet. 

Let me explore the jungles,

relying on my primary instincts,

harvest my food stockpile,

gathered from trees and ground.

Let me lie on the warm sand,

while basking under the afternoon sun,

dozing off while daydreaming,

waking up to sounds of crashing waves. 

Let me hike the hills,

though the treacherous routes,

getting drenched in the rain,

taking covers under makeshift huts.

Taking bath in remote springs,

swimming in those ponds,

having breakfast and coffee, 

while enjoying the scenery. 

And I would welcome anything exciting, 

for the joy of adventure and exploring,

that would bring some spontaneity, 

in this life of monotonous routine. 

I know, weekend is not long,

but with will, anything is possible,

as long as I take the initiative, 

to break free of these chains...of dormancy. 

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