Saturday, December 23, 2023

Feminine and Masculine

The nature has bestowed,

qualities for our humble abode,

letting us appreciate the beauty,

of ourselves and other's aesthetics. 

It's the traits that we admire,

getting charmed by their allure,

from its attraction, desires are born,

or bring out respect and devotion. 

From time immemorial, 

there was an appreciation, 

for, it was considered divine,

were practiced to be refined. 

The energy feminine, the yin,

empathetic, compassionate and caring,

and the energy masculine, the yang,

confident, protective and logical. 

The divine womb of mother earth (feminine),

the nurturing, generous and vulnerable, 

would complete the cosmic consciousness(masculine), 

embracing the power, strength and its rationale.

So, when did we start to alienate?

Demonize these energies as we equate,

adding words like toxic and conservative,

misusing terms like patriarchy and feminism. 

Society have their fault lines,

ills are not broken by closing eyes,

yet, every principle has to be valued,

given due consideration before discarding. 

Let us be more aware of these qualities, 

not put our labels against its viability, 

for, all of us demonstrates its presence,

when faced with situations and challenges.

Only then....there would be true harmony.

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