Friday, February 28, 2025

An ideal punishment

It's a tale, of distant future,

mankind lived, in an utopia,

where central authority controlled, 

the operatives of the world.

The civilizations have evolved, 

using technological innovations,

advancements of artificial intelligence, 

were integrated for the governance. 

The citizen have the freedom,

provided with comfortable life,

every demands were fulfilled, 

as they followed rules & regulations. 

Yet, there were few exceptions,

that were captured by surveillance, 

and reprimanded, providing reeducation,

bringing them back, to social standards. 

But, they too were concerned,

for, human minds is too conceited, 

that were heartless, & inhumane,

doing heinous crimes, for pleasure.

So, a council were formed to discuss,

deliberate ethics, to define punishment,

to intimidate, demoralize, & discipline, 

while showing compassion, to the living. 

They sought wisdom from patriarch,

a hybrid system, of machine & mind,

and it spoke, gave the insights,

for a just, an ideal punishment.

" Hereby I decree, a fair sentence,

we shouldn't torture, execute them,

neither desert or outcast convicts,

or harvest their organs for healthcare." 

The council members were puzzled,

for, most options faced rejections,

yet, the hall illuminated brighter,

the system, explained the reasons. 

" It's the mind, that strayed,

the body is a mere vessel, 

so, we create mechanisms,

to install proper behaviors.

What's done, can't be undone,

there's no guarantee of remorse, 

so, we would replace, damaged portion...

And that's, our ideal punishment."

It concluded. 

So, what is the damaged portion?

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Fallen jamuns

As I walked, on concrete roads,

I passed trees, planted on sides,

gentle breeze flows, in the night,

I imbibe the atmosphere, closing eyes. 

And slowly I encounter, a sweet aroma,

accompanying the wind, into my nose,

opening my eyes, I witness the ground,

spread with squashed ripe & unripe Jamun. 

The tree was laden with blackberry,

these purple fruits, tempt passersby,

yet, very few could reach the heights, 

harming the leaves, breaking branches. 

Some might have fallen, even injured,

in their quest to relish, earn few bucks,

and I wondered, looking at the wastage, 

why do they remain ripened & untouched? 

And I remember, it's on public roads,

its natural environment is long gone,

all the flies, bees, birds and squirrels,

have left behind, or number dwindled. 

Only human left, to savor it's offering,

hoping we pollinate, propagate seedlings, 

but, we only taste, throw what's remaining,

on these concrete roads, left to decay.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Ghost town

Once flourishing, now deserted,

these are the present situation, 

of many places, in peripheral regions, 

away from the reach, of development. 

For, here, lies this ancient heritage,

are being forgotten, and left behind,

slowly fading away, in the backgrounds,

as newer cities, taking center stages. 

Where lies the lifestyle they aspire,

many opportunities, of gaining power,

appealing them, with latest happenings, 

providing wealth, and preferred amenities. 

So they migrate, with big dreams,

leaving behind, the old and weak,

dilapidated houses left untouched, 

lands, remaining barren or overgrown. 

From centuries, it's a cyclical event,

bustling communities, were abandoned, 

due to disasters or resource depletion,

civilizations buried with passing time. 

Even now, people seek better lifestyle, 

aspiring future, break away from roots,

only structures, of mud & wood remains,

while residents left or have perished. 

Ghost towns...

They are indeed fascinating, 

a glimpse of past cultures of mankind,

Yet, being a stark reminder....

An impermanence, of human settlements.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


It comes in many forms,

which speaks, of our devotion,

being ingrained from childhood,

or invoked, when needed for. 

And I wonder...

Contemplate the thoughts,

did the deity listens,

to the calls, of our heart.

For, we are insignificant,

with our conditions of sins,

which changes their meaning,

in every culture & traditions. 

Are we really sincere,

in respect and offerings,

or it's a momentary attention, 

attuned through our conscience?

While we worship the one,

the master of this universe, 

omnipresent, all-knowing,

ascertaining our resolve...

When we surrender ourselves. 


Sometimes these are our wishes,

not directed to an eternal divinity, 

yet, connected to the higher realms,

conveying deepest of our feelings...

For, it's the power of the intentions,

that gives energy, to our devotions,

and we were graced, by its spirits,  

with blessings, of supreme consciousness. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Learning from different cultures

The world is too vast,

diverse are the opinions,

we will never understand, 

without mingling, or communications. 

Since ancient times, 

travelers were welcomed,

for, they brought the knowledge, 

stories of faraway lands. 

Even the students of past,

would travel to distant places, 

observing through their own eyes,

in the quest, of gaining wisdom. 

Our independent nation have brought,

central postings for its citizens, 

letting people to have experiences,

understanding things, beyond themselves.

And now, we have the opportunity, 

everything is present on fingertips, 

schools have become international, 

also getting jobs, in different cities. 

We make friends, even connections,

widening perspectives, as we engage,

in causal chatter, to serious discussions,

sharing insights, correcting narratives. 

So, never miss the chance to explore,

contacting through travel or acquaintances,

for, it sparks curiosity, teaches lessons,

helping us learn, grow as a person.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


It's much easier to follow,

listen to the chorus of people,

than to stress our own brain,

and explore, multiple perspectives. 

Starting from our families, 

to friends and colleagues, 

growing up in communities,

we develop biases, favoritism. 

Ably supported by social media,

feeding contents through algorithms,

getting addicted to mindless scrolling, 

we become opinionated and assertive. 

Conflicts replaces sincere discussions,

abuses were hurled, against apologies, 

voices of reason, forced into silence,

by playing victim or nursing pride. 

Sensationalism...within its noise,

we fall victim, to the narratives, 

without applying our rationale, 

using nuances, in our understanding. 

So, let us pause, listen to others,

consider their views before we proceed,

when we examine, everyone's side,

we can rely on, our logical mind.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Spontaneity in relations

We want it be spontaneous,

our meetings and conversations, 

the feelings that would sprout,

naturally, from the inside. 

Yet, we bring along conditions,

looking for wealth or positions,

creating our rules and regulations,

not prepared, to make concessions. 

For, we have seen the world,

been accustomed to routine,

any difference of opinions,

might even trigger escalation. 

We have become too rigid,

not molded, like a youth,

being too attached to ideals,

to provide space, for others. 

Spontaneity, requires flexibility, 

that comes with an open mind,

nothing will ever begin in life,

if bounded by past relations. 

So, let us be kind, and forgiving,

while nurturing sincere feelings,

climbing these steps of affection, 

and spontaneity would arrive, gradually.

Friday, February 21, 2025


A wondrous feeling,

it's difficult to attain,

few would have achieved, 

this heightened sensation. 

" In the zone "

They have various meanings,

yet, it take time and efforts,

to reach, pinnacle of our feelings. 

Some might be more attuned, 

a product of their upbringing,

or being genetically gifted,

to attain it more frequently. 


A term coined by psychologist, 

to define this mental stimulation, 

the state, of complete absorption, 

being fully engaged, complete immersion. 

Just passion is not enough,

it has to be more challenging, 

not difficult or overwhelming, 

our skills, matching the activity. 

And we would enjoy without expecting, 

the experiences are rewarding enough,

helping us learn, improving our skills

using the obstacles, as stepping stones. 


It might not to be possessed,

yet, can give us directions,

in professional or creative pursuits,

reaching a state, of an optimal experience. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A train journey

It was a normal day, 

I wake up, completed toiletries, getting ready for my work, something of a routine anyway.

And I went out, took my bag along. A usual day it was, with nice weather, for my drive.

As the wind blew, my hair got disheveled, 

and I remembered, I forgot my helmet.

I feared of getting caught, fined by traffic police, chose to return to home. 

Yet, something happened, my heart whispered; let's see what will happen, 

for today is the day of adventure. 

And I changed my direction, went to nearby railway station. Parking bike, I brought a ticket that was available.

So started my escapades, a window seat was all I needed, watching the passing sceneries, every smell was new, nostalgic sometimes.

As the crowd grew, station came and left behind, and I was left surprised, of my own decision.

Hours passed, and I was engrossed, watching life, outside my window.

A passenger asked, intrigued of my beaming face. " Why do I seem so happy, where am I from, and what's my terminal station?

I was taken aback, took moments to ponder, finally smiled, looked into his eyes, and answered;

" I have no reason, or any destination,  

it's been a long time since, I have found my freedom "

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rewinding days, cassette

Rummaging through storage room,

I came across, my old collections,

of flat, rectangular plastic containers,

containing music, of my selections. 

And a wave of nostalgia flowed, 

as I remembered childhood days,

of my exposure, to world's music,

through these mysterious, magic box. 

So, I played, to revisit those times,

some movie songs, or instrumentals,

there were also, a lot of blank cases,

that have lost, damaged or forgotten. 

And then, I found one buried beneath,

a pile of tapes, with content spilled,

intrigued, I brought a pen from behind,

stick into the spokes, to rewind... 

Clockwise, anticlockwise, I turned,

hoping to clear, this loopy mess,

soon I was rewarded, with better view,

I took and inserted, into cassette player. 

With a single press, it begins to play,

a croaky voice with static noise,

I got embarrassed, with my voice,

as I practiced, some old songs. 

I smiled, and I laughed, 

yet let out a slow sigh,

taking out this recorded cassette, 

poking inside, finger or pen... 

Rewinding days, from memory lane.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Learning to say no

It's not just a word,

but an underlying emotion,

that comes into our lips,

when faced with dilemmas. 

For, the world is demanding,

taking toll on mind & body,

sometimes becoming too much,

for an amiable person. 

And we cannot agree, 

to requests and the pleas,

being expected or be forced,  

disregarding our feelings... 

Without being left with a choice,

we finally give our thoughts...a voice,

manifesting our silent protests,

a strong "No", on our lips. 

But let's be mindful, of the tone,

it's not a wall, to shut them off,

conveying properly, without complaining, 

without showing malice, or being shunned. 

It's not easy, learning to say no...

Empowers us, giving us freedom,

deepening relations, with healthy discussions,

finding ways to reach, common conclusions.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Pardon my mistakes (Lexical verse)

Pardon my mistakes,

for, I might be unversed,

of speaking and mannerism,

been guilty of many solecisms...

For, it requires practice, & training,

helping us build, a connectome,

of words, phrases and sentences,

to be utilized, when needed most. 

Pardon my mistakes,

I sometimes fail to comprehend,

how the linguistics would have played,

using terms, it impresses or offends...

And it's becoming a recidivous thing,

even with my cautious conveying,

committing errors, again and again,

in my writings, stories and poems. 

Pardon my mistake,

since I am still a novice,

it takes time, to get the expertise, 

everyone starts, like plain Calico...

Yet we grow, as we learn,

if we strive, and we yearn,

be accomplished, reach the stage,

while we perform, our routine duties. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Civilizations have evolved

Civilizations have evolved,

on the backs, of motivated citizens,

who had the drive, propel their state,

become the leaders, of our world.

Yet, those emotions have led,

in the creation of an institute,

that would provide the muscles,

to further their imperial ambitions. 

And I wonder... 

What was the need,

for states to build,

training & maintaining,

troops in the military.

For, we had the means,

to fulfill our basic needs,

and had materials to erect,

structures around the premises. 

Then I remembered,

we, human, were the biggest danger,

that would harm their fellow being,

in the absence of law & order.

So, it's started, as means to protect, 

but eventually the power corrupted,

we became greedy and arrogant,

losing our empathy & compassion. 

And we evolved, with better weapons,

at the cost of our fallen brethren,

seeking power, developing strategies, 

wars being fought with sophistication. 

Even the peace, were mere preparations, 

waiting for opportunities, to grab territories, 

for the resources, from riches to persons,

becoming a game of enforcing dominations. 

There's nothing called a pacifist nation,

living under the fear of an invasion,

for, every expenditure in the army,

is a forewarning, of conflict in future.

Yet, we have gone too far,

accepting it as present reality,

for, civilization have evolved...

From mankind's quest for power.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Population is expanding ( Bop poetry)

 Our population is expanding every day,

putting stress on the limited resources,

and basic needs, remain unattended,

of food, dwellings & entertainment, 

giving us purpose, and the motivation,

to keep us occupied, a life of fulfillment. 

But, the greed takes over the society,

leaders were corrupt & shortsighted,

never thought of the consequences, 

of mindless expansions, unplanned & unregulated...

For, wealth were amassed, by ones with excesses,

leaving behind nothing, others to rummage,

and cycle continued, through generations,

damaging very economy and ecosystems. 

Yet, the answers were always available, 

had we valued sacrifice and contentment, 

even policies would have been created,

for, there's enough room, for everyone,

if we discourage, the idea of expansions, 

by providing a level field, for all!!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Yeti, the cryptid creature

Urban legends...

Stories that intrigues,

shared in the folklore,

were tales, of unsolved mystery.

And, I too, became curious,

tried exploring the ideas,

of the secrets, hidden from world,

that show glimpses, to chosen ones. 

Yeti, a classic cryptid...

an enigma, that puzzled many,

Abominable snowman, these mythical beings,

inhabiting the snowclad Himalayan mountains. 

Described as bipedal ape-like creature,

that roams the Himalayan glaciers, 

spoken in lores, since ancient times,

from local guides to mountaineers. 

And I wondered, the reasons,

for prevalent beliefs, their origins,

were they real, or just an illusion,

bringing excitements, in their adventures.

They were intertwined, in local traditions,

seen as a warning, or part of devotions, 

encounters with wildlife, in harsh landscape, 

might have manifested, into the myth...

Of Yeti. 

Then again, there were sightings,

some consider it, as guardian spirits,

the proofs, might remain inconclusive, 

still, they inspire, every generation.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

We finally meet...

We finally meet...

Don't you remember, 

how our life flourished,

under the roof together, 

sleeping in the same bed,

all the love and making out,

those kisses and cuddles,

holding hands, tight embrace,

that was a sudden change, 

from your shy demeanor.... 

For, it was our first night,

tired from the ceremonies, 

that were held to celebrate, 

our union, in official wedding,

wearing the heavy lehenga, 

and lots of gold jewelry, 

that we had chosen together,

accompanying the shopping,

with our respective parents,

buying rings, for our engagement... 

It was our mutual decision,

after much of the deliberation,

to actualize, years of our relation,

from friendship, to becoming lovers,

as we had known for long,

trusted our deepening bond,

from strangers to colleagues,

as I came, from a different town,

carrying my dreams and ambitions, 

that were part of my upbringing. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Charaka Samhita

 "An ideal medical student,

should be of mild disposition, 

noble by nature, never mean in acts, 

free from pride, strong memory, liberal mind, devoted to truth, likes solitude, 

of thoughtful disposition, free from anger, 

of excellent character, compassionate, 

fond of study, devoted to theory & practice, 

who seeks the good of all creatures."

                                    --- Charaka Samhita. 

Written by persons or a lineage, 

it spoke philosophy, of medical education,

with diet, hygiene and their preventions,

while promoting a teamwork between, 

physicians, nurses, patients & medicine. 

And I wondered...

How would they react,

watching present day businesses, 

made out of our healthcare system. 

For, they were the wanderers,

ascetics, that visited the villages,

following strict codes of conduct,

while performing their duties. 

Devoting themselves for sole purpose, 

of researching, and providing services,

striving to care and heal ailments,

that afflicted the people, their patients. 

Then again, they would also see,

the lack of respect, and reciprocity, 

where advises were being questioned,

and people, doubt their generosity... 

Medical science, also have advanced,

that needs more, than natural products,

giving opportunities to open markets,

gathering profits, from the diseases. 

Still, they would find the joy,

of treatments, and their discoveries, 

but lament, the lost compliance, 

for healthier lifestyles...

To prevent the diseases!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Comic books

Comic books...

It has a special place,

carved within my heart,

when I try to remember,

my childhood days. 

For, they show me dreams,

giving wings to my imagination,

while imparting valuable lessons,

of ethics and morality. 

Yet, it's the story, that appealed,

flashy characters, interesting plots,

the exotic settings, still relatable,

ending with victories, good over evil. 

For, in colorful panels, stories unfolds,

transporting us into a dream world,

into a journey of action & adventures,

for unraveling secrets and surprises. 

Some went to libraries to read,

rent it from friends or bookstores,

others saved or gifted by parents,

on vacations or special occasions. 

I, too, had many precious memories, 

be it Indian or western mediums,

enjoying Nagraj and Dhruv stories,

or Superman, Batman & Spiderman. 

Haven't remembered much of stories, 

summer vacations were most busy,

be it Amar Chitra Katha, Champak or Twinkle,

even Chacha Choudhary, Pinki or Billoo. 

Together, they made childhood awesome,

even helped in stimulating creative mind, 

but, I do feel sad, for today's generations,

of missing the magic, wonders of comics.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Hordes of devotees swarming in,

hours and hours, they keep walking,

to reach their most revered place,

where goddess rivers confluence. 

Mahakumbh, a divine festival, 

being celebrated in sacred location,

a pilgrimage after a long wait,

beyond centuries or decades. 

So, crowds thronged the space,

braving struggles of distances, 

making resolves, for the trip,

to reach the banks, have holy dip. 

Amrit, the nectar of immortality,

from cosmic ocean's churning,

or a desire to clean our sins,

and liberate, from cycles of rebirth. 

These beliefs, making us move,

be it elderly people or the youths,

people across class and creeds,

joined together, for pious activities. 

And it's fascinating, even to observers,

getting influenced, by their enthusiasm, 

taking the cold bath, praying to deities,

asking for blessings, for self & surroundings! 


indeed a magical experience...

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Duality of human spirits

Life, is not always a pleasant stay,

rather oscillates between extremes,

sometimes burns, being blazing hot,

or freeze up, becoming wintry cold.

It's not the season's change,

but display, our capricious heart,

showing a plethora of emotions,

influenced by our surroundings... 

It's the fire, that is invoked,

with the desires, that's soared,

from all the invading stimulants,

through various senses, we absorbed. 

So, our interests take root,

passionate, getting into groove,

burning brightly, spreading radiance, 

exhausting self, in the process. 

Some take the other route,

preferring to tread, at slower pace,

as a part of their inherent nature, 

or being weary, of chaotic rush.

It's the reality, dousing the flames,

making them sober, breaking illusions,

as they strive for a harmonious retreat,

still be alert, being engaged deeply. 

Human spirits...

It's a curious thing,

getting excited or dampened,

like changing weathers. 

And in its depths,

lies a path of duality,

walking on the tight ropes,

between inferno and permafrost...

Of our soul !

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Feelings & emotions

In Irish,

they don't say "I am sad" 

rather, "Sadness is on me"

and it made an impression,

giving insights, about ourselves. 

Why do we identify,

give power to our emotions,

when these are temporary,

bound to change, with time. 

Our feelings are fleeting,

be it joy or our sadness,

fluctuating every day,

depending on the situations... 

So, why keep the burden,

ruminate on these reactions,

when we could let it pass by,

while maintaining our composure.

For, we are a sentient being,

with awareness, of our nature,

having the power to choose,

what to retain or letting go. 

At another time...

We would feel different, 

as our sentiments change,

when things do resolve,

or we evolved, to a higher stage.

Where our attachments vanishes,

we connect, to our consciousness, 

being blissful, finding peace within,

untouched, by our fleeting feelings.

Friday, February 7, 2025

A journey in the twilight

It was a wonderful feeling,

when I watched, the evening sky,

travelling in a car, as a passenger,

looking at the passing sights... 

A magical atmosphere was created,

with the arrival of the twilight hush,

painting the sky, with vibrant colors,

from yellowish red to deep blue. 

Capturing my attention, it evoked,

a beautiful sensation, in those moments,

as I let my eyes wander, looking around,

surveying this canvas, till the horizon. 

The full moon illuminated,

distant shadows of the forests,

while the clouds gently drifting by,

yet, seemed like an artist's painting. 

Like a shining pearl, moon enchants,

with its magic, my wavering heart,

it's gentle glow, enveloping me,

as if becoming my travel companion. 

The rushing zephyr, then sang,

blessing ears, with nature's song,

a steady hum, from the vehicles,

soothes my mind, heals the heart. 

So, let me savor these moments,

under the tapestry of dusky sky,

listening to melodies that arise,

with shining moon, as my guide... 

To my journey, in the twilight.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

It's city life

A city never sleeps,

for, it carries the dreams,

of millions, that call it home...

Always in a rush,

not a moment of pause,

striving to earn, a better position. 

A melting pot of cultures, 

with people that mingles,

creating a diverse community...

Being a center of commerce,

proving opportunities to everyone,

welcoming all, into its embrace. 

And I, watched them all,

from towering buildings,

to the widened roads...

These crowded streets,

accompanying the noisy traffics,

do create...a vibrant scene. 

Being too attuned,

to these unfolding chaos,

even the stillness, astounds me...

Yet, there are such days,

everything comes into standstill, 

when we take shelters, in the downpour. 

Ah, the rains, bringing the blessings,

letting us stop, observe the happenings, 

as the slates, are being cleared...

Oh sky, the dark clouds we see,

providing respite, from fast-paced life,

for a while, and make us realize,

there's a beauty, beyond our amenities. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

मत बिखर तू

निखर जाएगा समझौता कर ले,

बिखर जायेगा ना हठ कर बे;

शीशा कहा टिकता गिर कर रे,

अभी भी मौका है संभल जा रे ... 

जिंदगी में आएंगे ऐसे पड़ाव,

जब मुश्किल से आएंगे मौके,

तब होगा भूल का एहसास,

जब चिड़ियां उड़ जाए चुग के खेत... 

ये कैसी परिस्थिति है उत्पन,

जब कहीं भी लगे ना मन,

क्या ये है हमारी सोच का आभास,

या जीवन का है ये अभिशाप... 

हर कोई पक्का खिलाड़ी नहीं है,

कुछ तो कच्चे ही रह गए यहां,

फिर भी मन में आस के लिए बैठे हैं,

जैसे ईश्वर ही लाके देंगे हाथ में... 

तो सोच मत और, कर ले समझौता,

बीता समय ये वापस नहीं आता,

और ना टूटना, अब तो बस निखर,

शीशे की तरह, चमकना है तुझे...

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Utopia or dystopia

In a fictional world,

where people followed,

words of the authority,

without any questions...

Was it a utopia or dystopia? 

An experimentation gone wary,

or a successful completion...

To influence and control masses,

by government or social media,

finally lead to its fruition. 

Subliminal message... 

Below the threshold of perception,

hidden in images, flashed on screens,

embedded in audios, are inaudible frequencies,

influenced thoughts, without people's awareness. 

They bypassed the mental defenses,

built by the people's consciousness, 

directly affecting the subconscious,

swaying opinions in voting candidates, 

bringing into power, chosen leaders. 

And the life became easier for many, 

without disagreements or conflicts,

for, opinions were filtered, in the mind,

bringing uniformity into the society, 

leading to a nation...without strife. 

Yet, slowly the progression stopped,

people lost their feelings & emotions,

even the leaders realize, had concerns,

for, there was no intellectual stimulation,

providing breakthroughs, or inventions. 

So tell this world of fictions, 

where wishes were artificially planted,

Will there be happiness & contentment...

Is it a utopia or a dystopia?

Monday, February 3, 2025

I forget names

I forget names sometimes,

guilty as charged, my admission,

being too careless, or casual,

not giving value to these situations.

And it would come to bite me,

as if messages from the divine, 

when their name, skips from mind,

during any important discussions. 

Feeling embraced, seeking remedies,

for bringing dishonor to someone,

failing to identify familiar persons,

out of limited need or interactions. 

Adding insult, to my injury,

would be, their retentive memories,

identifying self, places and events, 

feeling disgraced, of my forgetfulness. 

So, I wondered, should I be blamed,

or be concerned, of what to come,

is it only apathy, or my disinterest,

or I harbor, a pathogenic ailment?

And I pondered, causes and reasons,

is it the brain overload from information,

or prioritizing the gist of my situations, 

finally leading to a failure, of consolidation. 

It could have been my inattention,

arbitrary naming, bringing competitions, 

with multiple names, creating confusions,

making it more difficult, for retrievement. 

Yet, there are ways, I could change,

by active listening, seeking meanings,

not being nervous, having a calm mind,

whenever possible, practicing repetition... 

By valuing their existence,

leaving imprints, into my memory.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Perpetual loneliness

It's not what it seems,

every smile hides feelings

that's unwanted or unspoken, 

words had lost the meanings. 

For, life would still continue,

regardless of choices made,

breaking hopes and our wishes,

sometimes being a hard bargain. 

We ourselves, are to be blamed,

aspiring a lifestyle, of our dreams,

without efforts or proper planning,

create conditions, for this situation. 

Then we face, waves of disappointments, 

knowing well, things can't be changed,

either to accept and surrender ourselves,

or keep striving, with our perseverance. 

Sometimes, there's no answer to pain,

these silent aches, rising again & again,

for moments lost, longings that remain,

like a parched land, waiting for the rain. 

Exhausting options, yielding grounds,

losing emotions, forgetting to smile,

mask of familiarity, over frozen heart,

being impassive, or becoming avoidant. 

Years goes by, seasons changed,

finding relief, in seeking distractions,

getting more distant, in heart & mind,

yet the void stays...our perpetual loneliness. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

A peaceful slumber

A tranquil night,

and relaxing sleep,

resting the tired body

is everyone's need...

Yet, there are thoughts,

that are lurking beneath, 

conveying the messages,

of our subconscious mind. 

Love, lust, and beauty,

connections of real world,

bonds and devotions too...

Influences our thinking.

Faded from our memories,

they seldom last long,

but the ones, that's significant,

might even leave, lasting imprints. 

Home.... in the earliest of my memories,

in the center stage, of a pleasant dream,

an embodiment of deep-seated desire,

created in a fairy-tale setting.

The surrounding changed overtimes,

from meadow, river, oceans and lakes,

in the gatherings of people & wilderness, 

there's a sense of euphoria remains. 

Good things always come to inspire,

yet, in the shadows, lies dark stories,

throwing me in a dystopic environment, 

leaving behind, some haunting flashes. 

As if being smothered, gasping for breath,

being thrown in the void of nothingness, 

an idea, that emerged, brought to this state,

of being alone, floating in the outer space. 

It was indeed a mysterious phenomenon, 

where contrast appear, in my heart,

feeling the warmth, of a lovely home,

to being stranded, in the darkness of the unknown. 

So I wondered, for finding any meanings,

in beautiful dreams & bizarre nightmares,

for those unfulfilled desires, or feelings...

Interfering with my quest, of peaceful slumber.