Friday, January 31, 2025

Mirror's persuasion

It's my reflection,

yet, feels so different,

be the facial expressions, 

or posture of the body... 

A demeanor, that exude confidence,

never displayed by this nervous self,

and I heard a whisper in my ears,

as it's lips curved, into a subtle smile... 

I was surprised, and taken aback,

rubbed my eyes to double check,

yet, the voice became clearer,

it's piercing gaze demanded attention. 

" Listen, oh scaredy-cat,

wasting away God's blessings,

look, how far you have fallen,

hiding away from confrontations "

It's asked... 

" But, it's my nature to avoid,

the stressful situations of life,

what's wrong in seeking comfort,

where I won't be judged or humiliated."

I answered back... 

" It's your fears that dictates,

look at me, your natural trait,

you would have reached the top,

if you have ever tried" It snapped back... 

And it showed me back,

a personification of an ideal self,

through it's poise and expressions, 

a captivating look, that I envisioned. 

" It's never too late,

come back to my folds,

change your approach,

and I will make you the best."

Its words echoed... 

The words worked like a charm,

pulling me closer, to woven spell,

yet, a voice spoke, from my heart,

reminding the reasons, of made choices.

" You are right, I could be better,

and I will learn, take the inspiration, 

forgive me, I decline your invitation, 

there's a reason, I chose this position" 

The fear vanished, as the reflection knew,

for, it was aware of my thought process....

" You are a fool, not for this world,

I will wait, till you weaken, your convictions. "

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