Monday, October 23, 2023

Home and homelessness

Home, not just a roof over our head,

but a place to find peace and rest,

it's where we feel safe and secure,

and make memories of a lifetime. 

It was our desire since old days,

to have an ownership of a stay,

with limited residents, more space,

everyone could have their own place. 

But now, it's a lot of competition,

as the population rises, and family tensions,

joint families broken into nuclear ones,

everyone demanding their own share. 

A game of demand and supply,

pushed the market into heavy price,

people were greedy, started holding,

government policies too preferred profits. 

Many fall behind in this race,

got frustrated and distressed, 

letting go of wishes, falling in despair,

pushing them into cycles of humiliations. 

Some went to sleep on streets,

facing the cold and the heat,

With dirt and stench that surrounds,

exposed themselves to scorn and disdain. 

Desire for freedom and independence, 

broken connections and grievances,

some had bad luck or wrong choices,

that brought a spike in homelessness. 

Even the policies are not helping,

the economic downturns are exhausting, 

getting difficult to retain positions,

facing the major brunt of inflation. 

There's a need to change our outlook,

make houses as a rights than product,

monitoring prices, creating societies,

providing people with basic dignity. 

A secure environment is essential,

for increasing people's living standard,

so they could finally invest themselves,

in the economic growth of society. 

Or we could protect strong bonds,

and value the love, trust and support,

as a part of family and community,

to avoid separations and homelessness. 

So that we don't have to fall in spirals,

of earning money for loan and mortgages,

just for that sense of belonging...

in our own sweet home !

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