Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Changing favorites

It's indeed a curious condition,

when favorites lose their stimulation, 

as time passes, everything changes,

our choices, hobbies, and preferences. 

The music once loved, no longer sings,

stories once craved, no longer stings,

our tastes have shifted, like changing seasons,

having us wonder the underlying reasons. 

Had our mind grown from experiences,

thoughts have modified, seeking variations, 

what we admired for their beauty, now seems plain,

what once found to be profound, is now inane. 

Our eyes have seen, heart have felt,

soul have grown weary, of the same old spell,

seeking newer things to fill this void,

to feel, to love, to be whole again. 

Then arrives a new spark, an inspiration, 

stimulating our mind with newer sensations,

forgetting our past interests and passions,

immersing ourselves in these fresh obsessions. 

It's really intriguing, how time changes, 

our opinions, desires and choices,

like a moving cycle, our subject of infatuation,

keep switching from places to places. 

In the pursuit for joy and pleasure,

for our soaring spirits, expanding imaginations,

that wants the thrill and adventures,

there's lot in the world, to be discovered. 


Viyoma said...

Kind of resonates with what I recently posted.
What we did, what we use to do- form a good nostalgia but may not be relevant now!
Time to look at things afresh & build memories new!

mk said...

That good to hear. It's true, we change over the time.
Thank you so much for the read.