Sunday, July 9, 2023

Protect our ocean

Ours is a blue planet,

covered with vast oceans,

being reservoirs of most water,

and birthplace of all lifeform.

As a protector and preserver,

it maintains our pleasant weather,

bringing clouds and monsoons,

sometimes a bit harsh cyclones.

From the beautiful coral reefs,

surrounded by colorful aquatic animals,

to the fishes, turtles, and whales,

they display their magnificent ecosystems.

Swimming freely in underwater world,

with restricted sunlight and high pressures,

they still developed enough capacities, 

by enjoying the fruit of evolution. 

But now everyone have to struggle,

it's biodiversities along with the oceans,

for, we as an ignorant species, 

brought disharmony and imbalance. 

Polluting it with plastics and waste products,

overfishing them to brink of extinction, 

even uncontrolled activities on the land,

brought global warming and ocean acidification. 

In the quest of power and control,

using weapon of destruction as tool,

and then excuses for development, 

causing damages to fragile ecosystem. 

Not a single country can change,

this needs an uniform effort,

to make everyone accountable, 

for their abuse of the oceans.

Ocean is vast, serene and free,

no one has the right to own it,

let us hope the world powers,

protect it from exploitations.

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