Thursday, June 8, 2023


 They are so different,

with their values and perspectives,

in their interests and life choices,

to have any meaningful connections. 

We do have our preferences,

it's common and understandable, 

but sometimes there's clashes,

on things that are non negotiable. 

When situations goes unfavorable,

and wait keep getting longer,

we fight as much as possible,

Or choose options that's accessible. 

But how much of compromises...

would bring the true happiness?

for our essence may get diluted,

in the subsequent adjustments. 

Choosing realism or ideals,

while being bounded by responsibilities, 

our direction of life gets obscure,

bringing out these uncertainties. 

We could always escape, 

and face the consequence,

or try to carry the burden,

while making some sacrifices. 

The decisions have to be made,

to silence the blames and complains,

but it should feel right at heart,

and not leave any regrets. 

Still, I do believe,

to grow where we are planted,

there's nothing wrong in spreading branches,

and look beyond these invisible walls,

to break free of situational confinement 

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