Sunday, April 28, 2024


A combination of strength and values,

it's the basis of psychological well-being,

influencing our thoughts, and behaviors, 

this love for oneself...drives self-respect. 

So, what are the factors that instill,

our self worth, a sense of being,

is it our actions, or place of birth,

or amount of success and failures? 

Self-esteem, does have its role,

an overall evaluation of oneself, 

the more it is, more is our pride,

while a lack of, make us a coward. 

Even in our childhood experiences, 

quality of relationships with caregivers,

a good support system is determinative, 

providing security and positive reinforcement. 

It also needs a proper understanding, 

of the concepts of our inherent identity, 

being aware of strengths and weaknesses, 

by exploring the essence of our reality. 

Even social norms and standards, 

have it's involvement and impacts,

as other's judgment and opinions, 

diminishes respect or brings enhancements. 

By treating ourselves with kindness, 

facing bravely, rejections and failures,

also understanding and accepting mistakes, 

we can cultivate qualities, of self-compassion. 

But, we also need the ability, 

to maintain some healthy boundaries,

by knowing about our personal limits, 

and asserting them when necessary. 

With a set of ideals and principles, 

acting for our ethics and values,

we experience a sense of integrity, 

that again promotes, our self-respect. 

Finally, an effective emotional regulation, 

balanced, adaptive response to challenges,

acknowledging our flaws and imperfections, 

lead us to achieve, a state of Self-respect... 

Providing us the confidence,

to live a life of fulfillment. 

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