Monday, April 8, 2024


Making us anxious in childhood,

when enforced by our parents,

not knowing that it's a process,

of reining over unreasonable acts. 

Discipline, a word that brought apprehensions, 

to our innocent mind, that sought freedom,

but later we learned its importance, 

in helping us become a better person. 

For, we were needed to be taught,

the way of living in the society,

through various methods developed,

including praise, rewards and punishment. 

And so, it molded certain behaviors, 

we learned skills for use in future,

but later, with new-found liberty,

we could have fallen to depravity. 

Thus came Self-discipline, 

an ability to control own emotions,

through practice and proper planning,

we could walk towards our destination. 

The advantage of discipline is many,

that could lead us to success in endeavors, 

by following self-control, we resist temptations,

helping us to be motivated and focused. 

For, we valued our long term goals,

than to invest in early gratification,

with strong will, facing many challenges, 

we could achieve our aspirations. 

But, not all are well adapted, 

to the routines, that are needed,

to incorporate discipline in life,

and avoiding inherent impulses. 

A path to success, is through hard work,

with clear intent, setting realistic goals,

by breaking it down into many steps,

putting consistent efforts, rewards on completion. 

When it becomes our habit,

we would finally be... Disciplined. 

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