Sunday, March 3, 2024

My quest for freedom

I want to be free,

of these invisible shackles,

that binds my spirits and soul,

slowly diluting the inner essence. 

It's not my nature to be subdued, 

from the setbacks and struggles,

had plenty of chances to surrender,

through impulses and justifications. 

Yet, I am standing firm,

being blamed for being stubborn, 

with many conversations being used,

to ridicule my failures in ventures. 

Sometimes, I too get disheartened, 

being disillusioned of this world, 

falling into the negative spirals,

of anger, jealousy, and frustrations. 

But, life teaches a lot,

and I learn to have patience,

to fight for my cause,

for the things most valued. 

I might be called self-centered, 

being eccentric or disrespectful,

when I don't conform to their beliefs,

listening to the heart over everything. 

So, I would remain free,

by working towards my goals,

so that I could create a balance,

between my desires, and other's expectations. 

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