Monday, March 11, 2024

Assortative mating

Some say, opposites attract,

it's the enigma of unknown,

that act as a magnet,

to pull closer, polar opposites.

Be the outgoing or reserved person,

one loving chaos of life, others prefer order,

each one have the quality that other lacks,

that fill the void, complementing each other. 

But, is the reality works that way,

everyone have their personal choice,

and the law of average tells many tales,

bursting some myths of certain proverbs. 

Long term relationships or marriages,

are not sustained by instantaneous attractions, 

it's more to do with mutual connections,

be the physical, behavioral or personality traits.

A phenomenon that's more prevalent,

where similar traits are paired up,

is it common sense or evolutionarily advantages,

that promote " like pairs with like". 

Things that make people desirable,

are an effect of social stratification,

similar groups of people get concentrated, 

within community, location and profession.

And most seek a high value partner,

indirectly promoting selective interactions, 

ignoring the notions might create friction,

that brings disharmony among loved ones. 

Assortative mating, 

being statistically proven,

is it a reality to be accepted,

or blamed for social problems?

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