Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Ant

A tiny creature of the land,

making nests in the ground, 

building elaborate tunnels and chambers,

to house food, eggs and young ones. 

Even small, they aren't weak,

for, strength lies in their colonies,

working together as a strong team,

to overcome any obstacles they were facing. 

Yet they are considered a pest,

bring problems to the house they infest,

as they harm the health and belongings, 

and we seek to rid ourselves of the nuisance. 

Using chemicals and home remedies,

we plan to create the boundaries, 

for them to avoid and not interfere, 

that way we could both coexist. 

They are admirable, worthy of respect,

we draw lessons from their presence, 

still, it's better to see them from afar,

for, we aren't ready for home invasions.

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