Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Awaited rainfall

 Summer days are here,

with its hot atmosphere, 

and sweat drenched clothes, 

are making me uncomfortable. 

Lucky are our times,

living in energy age,

with home or offices,

giving us some respite.

Feeling the cold air,

from AC or indoor ventilation, 

I watched from my window,

all the activities outside. 

Deserted trees under scorching sun,

street dogs lookin for some refuge,

someone carrying their umbrella,

many just feeling the brunt.

The juice centre are crowded,

few birds gathered near a drain,

everyone had a common goal,

getting fluids to quench their thirst.

Its a pity, I thought,

I hope they get a breather,

as they could get the strength, 

and avoid any dehydration. 

Like a blessing, cloud came,

the sky got a darker shade,

with gust of wind and thunders,

arrived the long awaited rainfall.

The birds were bathing,

branches of trees swaying,

with a smile, earth welcomed,

the life giving nectar.

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