Monday, February 18, 2019


some chance meetings,
could be joyous,
or be lot of pains!

We have our thoughts,
a way of being,
connections that we sought,
complimenting our feelings.
Wanting our own group,
people of similar interests,
sharing our time together,
everyday be like a fest!

Not all have the choice,
being victim of circumstance,
so, hiding their voice,
they feign their ignorance.
They could see it all,
being an outsider supporter,
but ignored in their moments...
becoming a side character.

Voices needed to be heard,
one who could understand,
meeting in the leisure,
slices of sadness or pleasure.
a sense of togetherness,
living for the moments,
of some wild rendezvous,
making of precious memories......

that I would want...
the ones that I desire,
that would spark the fire...
in this frozen heart.

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