Friday, May 15, 2009


some time funny, some time cool,
not so smart, a bit shy,
friend is all you want me with,
common, be with me don't think,
jealous, envy, angry, hate, emotion aside,
I had been like that only!!

you take so much time,
doubt me or be suspicious,some time funny, some time cool,
not so smart, a bit shy,
friend is all you want me with,
common, be with me don't think,
jealous, envy, angry, hate, emotion aside,
I had been like that only!!

worry a lot, be so grave,
fear to bring fun, your joy,
come with me, know me now!
just go on and don't shy,
check me out, just chill out,
trust me and give you a try!!

its been a long day,
you need to be freak out,
the work making you dizzy,
come over and relax a bit,
don't think, take my philosophy,
its your time, just enjoy.

never been so happy,
no money nor some fame,
its only me and you...
get your share which is due,
its so simple yet so far,
people without ego are so few.

oh yes! it can be you,
join the party, bring a rout,
don't be so invisible to you,
come up, give a shout.
then you will know me,
I have been always within you,
puzzled are you or realised,
bring it same outside.......and say

some time funny, some time cool,
not so smart, a bit shy,
friend is all you want me with,
common, be with me don't think,
jealous, envy, angry, hate, emotion aside,
I had been like that only!!

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