Friday, February 16, 2024

Déjà vu...

A haunting sensation, an eerie feeling,

something that's strange, and even unsettling,

a recollection of the past, or glimpse of the future,

that creates an illusion of our memories. 

The heart beats faster, with surge of emotions, 

as if encountering things familiar, something close,

things that never been seen or heard in life,

felt so intimate, much connected to our heart. 

Then it disappears as it had come,

a mental twitch, forming glitches in reality,

we pause to wonder, searching explanations,

baffling ourselves, questioning others in society. 

Some experience a pleasant sensation,

others being frightened, taking caution, 

sometimes a symptom accompanying seizures,

that could be a sign of psychiatric disorder. 

Still, it's a common knowledge,

most have harmless, enjoyable presence,

as long as we embrace those moments,

not get worried, lingering forever. 

Déjà vu... a phenomenon unknown,

a reminder of our deeper connections, 

the deep consciousness surrounding us, 

through time and space, our universe. 

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