Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Beware of the extremes

"This world is our platform,

where we let opinions play...

Beware of the extremes,

nurture doubts, don't fall for narratives." 

We get easily influenced,

when we try to project ourselves, 

to take sides, support the cause,

perceived injustice or potential interests. 

It might start as casual inclinations, 

from childhood or social exposures,

filling our mind with certain beliefs,

establishing it into stronger convictions. 

And we ignore our life's reality,

facts were trampled, like fallen leaves,

falling victim to a dangerous game,

of those pitting, "us" verses "them". 

Lost in the storms of our emotions,

we make decisions, without reflection,

our thoughts were rigid, and not flexible,

for us to empathize, have compassion. 

We as human, are weak at heart,

it takes courage to realize, introspect, 

a little spice of healthy skepticism,

being sprinkled upon preformed notions. 

Yes, we do have grievances, 

or have personal preferences, 

we rather make the choices,

without being judged or questioned. 

Still, we have to see the larger picture,

being aware of words being spoken,

emphasizing reasons, open to discussions,

not narrowing it down to mere assumptions. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Empathy is contagious

Don't be shy of spreading kindness, 

our conscious acts will bring the brightness, 

to the ever-increasing crowd of minds,

that are too indifferent to the surroundings. 

For, it's in our very nature,

shown through much research,

if taken appropriate measures,

we can shape empathy in humans. 

To understand the perspectives, 

feel other's pain and struggles,

being accommodating of concerns,

is responsible for the foundation...of civilization. 

Empathy is pretty fluid,

can be taught or learned,

if provided with adequate support,

and influenced through our peers. 

Even in adults, it's contagious, 

as we see other's reactions, 

that helps in formulating our own,

from being apathetic, to be involved. 

Yet, we need to fulfill conditions, 

an atmosphere of mutual respect,

is essential, for empathy to thrive,

nothing begins with negative thoughts. 

So, don't be shy of spreading kindness,

become the light, in the prevailing darkness,

let us be aware, empathy is contagious,

if nurtured under favorable environment.

Monday, October 14, 2024

A visit to the city


Piercing the clouds,

like my aspirations, 

seeking the heights.

And I run amok...

With open arms,

on cobbled streets,

through narrow alleys. 

This was my dream,

that I wanted to live,

splashing vibrant colors,

to my dull life !

Do they hear my laugh,

do they see me cry,

these tears of happiness,

excitement, that I can't contain? 

Anyone, someone....listen,

why are your eyes so cold,

apathetic to things around you,

being glued to your screens.

Everyone is on a rush,

ignoring my very existence,

and I don't even know...

Which way I should go. 

Standing at the crossroad,

watching the unfolding chaos, 

with waves of people falling,

into an unending ocean.

I too, a grain of sand,

trying to assimilate inside,

to attain my inner desires....

Then why, I am not smiling? 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Idle snacking

Lying on our bed, or sitting on a sofa,

watching shows, browsing through pages,

a sudden urge, some sweet temptations, 

or just a lonely mouth, craving a snack. 

From afternoon yawns, to evening runs,

eyes looking, at cupboards in kitchen,

opening doors of fridge to forage,

a chips, a cookie, or some chocolates. 

Our body warns, it's not the time,

but the heart whispers, just one bite,

to accompany, providing encouragement, 

in our moments of laziness and comfort. 

Yet, we are unaware, of hidden costs,

climbing calories, in fleeting pleasures,

any professional, would give us advice,

it's a ticket to having wider waistline. 

How do we break free, from harmful trance?

When mind equates food, with our environment, 

should we be mindful, plan activities,

keep healthy goodies, for some nibbling. 

For, in boredom, and empty heart,

we seek quick fixes for dopamine,

rewarding self, without putting work,

stretching our hand, for good stuffs. 

So, let's make it hard for ourselves,

not leave snacks, at arm's length,

either make us healthy serving,

or walk to store, for our cravings. 

By doing a thing, that keeps us occupied, 

hydrating ourselves, and following routine,

we might be able to win over these cravings,

and replace idle snacking, for our wellbeing. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The festive foe

In joyous occasions, the city gleams,

visitor throngs, creating chaotic scenes,

yet, lurking in shadows, danger awaits,

putting dampers, on their festive spirits...

Naive hearts, getting easily swayed,

distractions worked, in negligence, 

with cunning hands, & sly intentions,

snatch funds, from their wallets.

It takes moments, them to realize,

with an unease, keeps them occupied,

checking for cash, finding it empty,

worries & distress, affect their minds.

For many others, it's a time of despair,

IDs & documents, has to be shared,

ATM withdrawal, enhancing their scare,

depriving them, of much-needed cheers.

Thieves & pickpockets...

They are the festive foes,

creating victim, out of many,

seeking joy, from other's misfortunes, 

they are the evils, that needs cautions...

When we tread, in crowded places!!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Puja fairs

Neon light shines

flickering in the night,

red, yellow, blue colors,

illuminated the road bright...

The chaos descends,

as the crowd ascends,

breaking the flow of traffic...

And the atmosphere vibrate, 

with the music, & chanting,

dampening noises of honking.

The ocean of people gather,

irrespective of creed or color,

for the glimpses, of devi's idols.

Some visit, in their festive spirits,

others, for offerings devotions,

in this divine Puja celebrations...

The organizers oversee arrangements,

being proud, of puja pandal display,

creating majestic decorated stages.

These artistic presentations captivates, 

people use camera, captured moments, 

keep it as souvenirs, for future reference.

While the stalls welcomed visitors, 

bustling with locals and outsiders,

pulled by the carnivals, on the sides.

Puja fairs...

It's an annual affair,

being celebrated with fanfare,

by both young and old.

And we cherish, these moments,

being spent, with family & friends, 

while visiting various pandals. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Institution of marriage

Have we ever wondered, 

what was the need,

of creating an institution,

in legal and moral binding,

with announcement and fanfare,

about engagements of two hearts, 

as connection of families? 

By choosing an auspicious day,

bringing respected personalities, 

overseeing an important occasion,

through local customs and traditions, 

reciting words and promises,

witnessed by friends and families,

consenting our participation. 

Be it with one partner, or many,

depending on financial capacity,

having to follow set of activities, 

before attaining the given role,

along with it's desired perks,

and accepting responsibilities,

that would come with it. 

It was a memorable event,

being ingrained through upbringing,

that brought them joy and pleasure,

in their limited dreams and exposures,

although it slowly became rigid law,

afflicted by social ills and flaws,

exploiting the ones, in weaker position. 

And so arrived, the modern era,

letting us have the taste, of our freedom,

not restrained by pledges or ceremonies, 

enjoying the fruits, without planting seeds,

while mocking these cumbersome rituals,

to achieve our passion and cravings,

choosing individualism over communities. 

The world did changed for better,

granting equal rights to everyone,

but, it also brought, an act of rebellion, 

people were limited to self gratification, 

which slowly invaded mind, like a poison,

obscuring boundaries, of bonding and separation, 

as they start deflecting, it's accompanied obligations. 

So, tell me, what's the need?

In present day, of that institution...

The practice of marriages,

when we wouldn't value it's sanctity !

Wednesday, October 9, 2024



For, you have seen,

the fate of my choices,

the struggles and hardships,

in the path, I have taken. 

And you might be happy,

of my prevailing misfortunes, 

secretly glad of the situations,

challenges I would be facing. 


I do regret,

the decisions taken,

after careful considerations,

from our reality checks.

We have disappointments, 

expectations were not met,

responsibilities and aspirations, 

putting on the constraints. 


For, you are still present,

in my thoughts and memories,

even if, we were far apart,

connecting for a brief moment.

Still, I have made peace, 

to accept whatever life throws me,

for the things, that I wanted,

for the dreams, I once had. 


Even if you condemn,

for, it was nobody's fault,

sometimes, we have priorities, 

people have different goals.

And I want to face this world,

with patience and gratitude...

I will still be your well-wisher,

as we keep walking, in separate paths.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Zephyr's land

Beneath the cloak of velvet sky,

where stars glitters, and moon shines,

I went for a stroll, to visit the place,

away from the crowd, a safe haven. 

Walking leisurely, letting eyes wander,

from bigger buildings to smaller huts,

and wider roads, to narrow lanes,

getting more secluded, as I tread. 

The path got a bit bumpy,

with broken stones and rocks,

even the streetlights got dim,

with increase in vegetation. 

So I reached, the top of the hill,

my treasured secret, for the feel,

where footsteps echo, soft and lone, 

in silent rhythm, of my solitary pace. 

For, here lies the ambience, I crave,

my heart soothes, in the zephyr's caress, 

on skin, feeling so light and cool, 

a symphony of wind and rustling leaves. 

Yet, a pang, an ache rises in the chest, 

yearning, for hands to hold, eyes to meet, 

this magical moment, for a shared delight,

to walk beside, under the lunar light. 

So, I whisper this wish, in the air,

to be carried, on the wings of zephyr's, 

watching together, this enchanting world, 

unfolding itself, under the night sky. 

Till then, I would visit zephyr's land,

being hidden, far away from crowd,

imbibing the ambience, in night strolls, 

savoring these moments, in my solitude.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Game of wealth

It's a game of wealth,

how the riches circulate,

everyone wants to wash their hands,

in this flowing river of finance. 

It's ideal, if they come easy,

a bit difficult, when we are lazy,

use our body or race our mind,

to discover a loop, any lucky find.

Few were more fortunate, 

millions might lose in the process,

for, it never remains at one place,

changing locations, every moment. 

From ancient times, it was sought,

from divine blessings to cunning methods,

working hard to secure their assets,

sharing with families, or losing to outsiders.

Prosperity were desired,

even envied for its power,

so, we create mechanisms to control,

the revenues from this abundance. 

Taxes levied by the kings,

stolen or looted by barbarians,

also misled to be given away,

by unethical practices of merchants.

Now, it's under many governments,

using our income for their benefits, 

which would be invested in policies,

that may or may not affect our lives. 

So, it's a game of wealth, my friend,

no one is left untouched by it,

falling deeper in corruption and greed,

without providing reasons or logic.

It was much easier in older days,

limited transaction, smaller states,

every expenditure was accounted for,

and new demands, needed its rationale.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Trust me

Trust me,

I only loved you,

for, this heart belongs to you...

Now, learn the real truth,

I was lying!

Listen to my confession,

when I said these words...

I wanted your attention, 

for my cravings and desires,

it was all a game for me,

when we made those promises, 

to be in a serious relationship, 

building a deeper connection, 

I never had the need,

for any future commitment, 

I try to avoid such situations, 

diving further into any feelings,

looking beyond the physical attraction, 

It's not possible, 

Trust me... 

Just an amateurish attempt. Now read it, from down to up. :) 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

It's a story ( Palindrome poetry)

It's that story,

Of fallen land,

A tragic tale,

Once prosperous, but now,

Lost in the void,

An ancient civilization,

Our forefathers knew,

Passed through generation,

Written in songs,

A mysterious place,

That we called,


That we called,

A mysterious place,

Written in songs,

Passed through generation, 

Our forefathers knew,

An ancient civilization, 

Lost in the void,

Once prosperous, but now,

A tragic tale,

Of fallen land,

It's that story.

Friday, October 4, 2024

It's not much

It's not much,

even crumbs or peanuts,

are enough of a meal,

for these gentle creatures. 

Some do fly, others scramble,

treading cautiously, in encounters,

but the hunger supersedes, 

forcing them into interactions. 

They don't have much,

just their momentary touch, 

or allowing us in their space,

as we slowly build the trust. 

And it's really endearing, 

they are cute and cuddly,

showering with occasional kisses,

as a return of our favors. 

They're our connection to nature,

a way to provide some contributions,

while correct mistakes of forefathers, 

by providing respite from foraging. 

So, don't take any advantages,

measure through gain and losses,

for, we have been blessed with excesses,

let some be shared, with our neighbors. 

Be it freshly cooked or leftovers,

some dry nuts, fruits and vegetables, 

even the ones expired, considered wastage,

would be enough to save innocent lives. 

It's not much...